Apply to be a Temporary Authorization Agent

Apply to become a Temporary Authorization Agent, which allows you to issue 60-day Temporary Authorizations (TA) permits to apportioned registrants in Pennsylvania.

How to become a Temporary Authorization Agent

To apply to become a Temporary Authorization Agent (TA Agent), you need to be an agent under contract with the Department & complete a New TA Agent training course. Then follow these steps:

  1. Complete the "Application for Authorization to Issue Apportioned Registration Credentials" form.
  2. Provide the following information with the application:
    • Copy of the TA Agent Training Certification for all employees that will issue TA permits
    • Check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the amount of $75.
  3. Submit the completed application to the Commercial Registration Section at the address below:
            Bureau of Motor Vehicles
            P.O. Box 68285
            Harrisburg, PA 17106-8285

Once your application has been processed and approved, you can apply for Temporary Certificate of Authorization (TA) books by submitting a "Request for Temporary Evidence of Apportioned Registration Authorization Books" application and $50 fee per book.