Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

Apply for a Pennsylvania State Record Fish

Please read through the Pennsylvania State Record Fish Instructions and Rules to apply to see if your fish qualfies as a new state record.

Angler Instructions

State-record fish are recognized only on weight. For a fish to be considered as a new state record, it must weigh 2 ounces more than the current record.The listing of current records is available on the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission website or by calling 717-705-7835 during business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 A.M. to 4 P. M. Official measuring stations also have the listing.

The PFBC provides Weight and Length Estimators for most species of fish for reference.

If you believe your fish qualifies as a new state record, read the instructions below and the rules that follow. If you’ve met the conditions, then complete the application. The most important step in this process is to have the fish weighed as soon as possible.

1. Weigh Fish on Certified Scale

Get the fish weighed on a scale certified legal for trade. These scales are found at grocery stores and markets, where items are sold by weight. The scale operator must enter scale information on the application. Include the scale printout or sticker with your application. One other person must witness the weighing. Have that person enter his or her name and signature on the application. That person can’t be you, the scale operator or the person who witnessed the catch.

If the weight of your fish exceeds the current state record by two ounces, proceed with completing this application.

If not, then stop. Only those fish exceeding the current state record by two ounces are considered.

2. Contact the PFBC

Contact the PFBC regional law enforcement office for your location during business hours to arrange for a PFBC employee to examine your fish.

PFBC staff will confirm the fish identification and the fish measurements. Several days may pass before this examination can occur, so keep the fish on ice or chilled. Do not clean or gut the fish.

3. Take Photos

  • Take color photographs of your fish. Color prints must be submitted with your application. 
  • The photos of the fish should be taken showing the fish’s side, with fins spread out. Get close enough so the fish fills the entire frame. 
  • Photographs of you and your fish will be accepted with the application, but aren’t required. 
  • Take several photographs, and submit the best prints to us. Remember, we won’t be able to return photographs submitted.

4. Record Where, When and How

Complete the rest of the application with the information on where, when and how you caught this fish. The completed form must be signed and notarized. The notarized form, photographs and other supporting materials should be sent to:

PA Fish & Boat Commission
State-Record Fish Program
PO Box 67000
Harrisburg PA 17106-7000

Questions about the application, rules or state-record program should be directed to the address above or call 717-705-7835, Monday through Friday, 8 A.M. to 4 P. M

Program Rules

NOTE: To be considered for a state record, all rules and conditions must be met and all information requested must be provided. The Commission reserves the right to reject incomplete or false applications and to request additional information beyond that on the application.

  1. Only those fish on the official state-record fish listing will be recognized. This list is published on the PFBC website and is available from PFBC offices and official measuring stations.
  2. Fish will be weighed to the nearest ounce. The new fish weight must exceed the current state-record weight by 2 ounces or more to be considered as a new record.
  3. Fish must be weighed on a scale certified legal for trade. The fish weight must be recorded to the nearest ounce. Fractions of an ounce should be rounded to the nearest ounce. The scale must display a valid current seal and identification number. A printout (or sticker) from the scale should be included with the application. One person, not including the angler or any companions accompanying the angler at the time of catch, or the scale operator, must witness the weighing and sign and date the application.
  4. Fish must be caught in Pennsylvania waters open to the public without charge, fee, special permission or membership. Waters open to the public are those waters open without condition, restriction or requirement set forth by the landowner or lessor. Farm and private ponds, regulated fishing lakes, ponds or stream sections or waters restricted to use by club members or their guests are not considered open to the public, even if no fee is charged.
  5. Fish must be caught by legal methods during legally open seasons on the water where the fish was taken. There is no catch-and-release category for state-record fish.
  6.  Length and girth measurements must be made with a metal ruler or tape measure. Measurements must be made by an official measuring station or authorized employee of the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission.
  7. Fish identification must be verified by Fish & Boat Commission staff. The fish must be made available in a fresh or frozen state, and made available for further follow-up examination by other PFBC staff as needed.
  8. Photographs: 
              a. All entries must include a clear side-view color photograph of the fish. Fins should be spread open as much
                   as possible. Electronic images may be submitted in addition to the color print, but are notrequired.
              b. Applicants are urged to submit photographs of the angler and the catch. These photographs are not
  9. Application must be received within 60 days of the catch.
  10. Fish caught by licensed resident and nonresident anglers are eligible. Fish must be caught, hooked and played by one angler, and that angler must be named on the application. Assistance is permissible when landing or boating the fish.
  11. Completed application must be sworn to and properly notarized. Incomplete forms may disqualify entrants. Missing information will delay the application review.
  12. The Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission reserves the right to further investigate the identification, methods used in catching and the accuracy of measuring and weighing. It also reserves the right to reject any application.
  13. Each entry becomes the property of the Fish & Boat Commission, including all publication rights. The information contained on the application and accompanying photograph may be used in, but not limited to, press releases, web site, published articles and promotional materials. Photographs will not be returned.
  14. Parental signature is required when the applicant is under 18 years of age.

The Commission reserves the right to reject incomplete or false applications and to request additional information beyond that on the application

Apply for a Pennsylvania State Record Fish

Once you've read through the instructions and rules, complete pages 3 and 4 of the PA State Record Fish application and mail to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission with your supporting documents.