Juvenile Court Judges' Commission

Request Data from the JCJC

The Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission (JCJC) supports research efforts that contribute to our knowledge about Balanced and Restorative Justice, the Juvenile Justice System Enhancement Strategy, and evidence-based practices. Qualified researchers can request access to certain records for juvenile justice-related research.  Please read the Policies and Procedures of the Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission for Release of Juvenile Data from the Pennsylvania Juvenile Case Management System to learn more about JCJC’s specific policies and procedures.

How to Submit a Data Request

JCJC must comply with the laws, regulations, and ethical standards that are established for both juvenile court records and human subject research. The concern for confidentiality exists in all studies that utilize youth data, and these standards serve as safeguards to protect such confidentiality.  In Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Juvenile Act (see 42 Pa.C.S. §6307; 42 Pa.C.S. §6308; and 42 Pa.C.S. §6309), the Pennsylvania Rules of Juvenile Court Procedure (see Pa.R.J.C.P. 160 and Pa.R.J.C.P. 161), and the Criminal History Record Information Act all govern the collection and release of juvenile criminal history information, to include what is collected in the PaJCMS.   These statutes and Rules clearly describe what information can be shared and with whom. 

Additionally, while JCJC is statutorily authorized to maintain the Pennsylvania Juvenile Case Management System (PaJCMS) to meet its statutory requirement “to compile and publish such statistical data as needed for the efficient administration of the juvenile courts”, the actual records are owned by the individual Juvenile Probation Departments in the Commonwealth.  As a result, unless the researcher is requesting aggregate statewide data, JCJC cannot release any such data without consent and authorization from the Chief and/or a Judge from each county in which the data is requested.

To request data from JCJC, please download and submit the completed Data Form using the link below.

How to Submit a Data Request Form

Unless your request is for statewide aggregated data, Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval must be obtained in order for JCJC to release any juvenile court data.  In addition, authorization for JCJC to release such records must be obtained from each Chief Juvenile Probation Officer and/or Juvenile Court Judge from the county in which the records will be retrieved. It is the responsibility of the Requester to obtain such authorization from the respective counties.

  1. Complete the official JCJC Data Request Form.
  2. Compile supplemental research project materials (e.g., a full research proposal, an abstract/proposed research design and methodology, an outline of data storage and management techniques, or proposed confidentiality techniques).
  3. Submit the research project for review by an Institutional Review Board (IRB).
  4. Contact each Chief Juvenile Probation Officer and/or Juvenile Court Judge from each county in which data is requested to obtain commitment to the research project, if applicable.
    1. Note: If the respective county representative(s) commit to the project, JCJC will provide additional details at a later time on the steps to obtain written authorization from them to release the identified records.
  5. Submit the completed Data Request Form, supplemental research materials, documentation of IRB submission (if applicable), and documentation of commitment from each Chief Juvenile Probation Officer and/or Juvenile Court Judge from each county in which data is requested (if applicable) to ra-oajcjcdata@pa.gov



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