Fire departments in Pennsylvania must use National Fire Incident Reporting System 5.0-compliant software to report incidents in order to be eligible to receive any state grant funding.
Register for access to the Pennsylvania Fire Information Reporting System. Email us your:
Fire Department Identification Number (5-digit number only)
Fire department/company name
Fire department street address (no P.O. Box)
Fire department/company mailing address
Department phone number
Contact name
Contact phone number
Contact email address
Incident software you are currently using
Fire departments can use any National Fire Incident Reporting System 5.0-compliant software to submit their reports.
We make the product Emergency Reporting available for all departments.
All data entered by a fire company/department should be submitted to OSFC and in turn will be forwarded to NFIRS. Modules provided free of charge include the incident module, reports module, my profile module, library module and administration module. Additional modules may be purchased directly from Emergency Reporting.