Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission

File an Employment Discrimination Complaint

If you feel you have experienced illegal employment discrimination- which includes being denied a job or promotion for reasons other than job performance, sexual harassment, denying an accommodation request for a disability, etc.-download the Employment Intake Questionnaire and email or mail it to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC). 

What is illegal employment discrimination?

The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (PHRA) provides protections if you work for a company with four or more employees. It does not apply to federal agencies, some law enforcement agencies, and certain other entities. If you feel you have been discriminated against, in general, you have 180 days to file from when the alleged discrimination happened. 

In employment, it is illegal to discriminate against someone based on:

Retaliation is also illegal, and the law protects you if you stand up against discrimination.

Employment discrimination can be:

  • When decisions about hiring, layoffs, pay, or other work terms or conditions are based on factors other than qualifications or job performance.
  • The actions of a boss, supervisor, or coworker towards a specific person or a whole group.
  • A company's policies or practices or the way they are applied.

In hospital and health care employment settings, it is illegal to discriminate against someone based on:

  • Participation in abortion or sterilization procedures.
  • Refusal to participate in abortion or sterilization procedures.

When filing a discrimination complaint:

  • Language translation and services for visual and hearing disabilities are available upon request if you need help with filing a complaint.
  • You must be a victim or have the legal authority to act on behalf of a victim.
  • Save any evidence you may have to support your complaint (e.g., text messages, pictures, etc.)
  • You have the right to obtain private legal services at your own expense, but this is not required.

Learn more about the complaint process.

Interested in providing training at your workplace?

The PHRC offers trainings on a variety of employment topics, like sexual harassment prevention, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging, and more. The trainings are tailored to the specific needs of your business or organization. 

File a Complaint

If you feel you have experienced illegal employment discrimination, fill out the intake questionnaire and email or mail it to the PHRC.

Email the PHRC

Email your completed employment intake questionnaire to the PHRC.

Find the PHRC regional office closest to you

Mail your completed employment intake questionnaire to the PHRC regional office closest to you.

Find the PHRC regional office closest to you

Frequently Asked Questions

A PHRC staff member is available to help you:

  • Decide whether you would like to file a complaint.
  • Draft the complaint and prepare it in legal form for your verified signature

  •   The complaint will be:
    • Assigned a docket number.
    • Served to the respondent (the person you have named in your complaint as responsible for the alleged discrimination) within 30 days of the date of docketing.
  • The respondent is required to:
    • Answer your complaint within 30 days of the date it was served unless an extension of 30 days is approved in writing by the PHRC.
    • Provide you with a copy of its answer.

Retaliation is when someone is discriminated against because they:

  • Opposed any practice forbidden by the PHRA or PFEOA.
  • Made a charge, testified, or assisted in an investigation, proceeding or hearing.

  • Firing or demoting someone based on factors other than job performance
  • Lowering someone's pay or paying them less than a coworker with a comparable job if the pay difference is based on factors other than job performance
  • Applying a policy that negatively affects one group of people more than others
  • Offering different discipline, work terms, conditions, benefits, or pay to one group and not another
  • Refusing to provide reasonable accommodation for a worker with a disability
  • Discriminatory job advertisements
  • Racial or sexual harassment
  • Age or pregnancy discrimination

You can “dual file” a complaint if you believe an employer violated state and federal laws.

  • If a complaint is filed with the PHRC alleging a violation of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) laws, the PHRC may also file the complaint with EEOC.
  • The EEOC may also "dual file" a complaint with the PHRC.
  • Only one agency investigates the case.
  • The PHRC holds cases being investigated by the EEOC open until EEOC closes them.
  • The EEOC will decide whether to close or open the case for further investigation.
  • This process preserves your rights under state and federal law. 

If your complaint is disability-related, you must also complete and submit the Disability Information Release for Employment form to the PHRC. 

Contact the PHRC

If you have questions about illegal employment discrimination, contact us.

Call the PHRC


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Contact the PHRC regional office closest to you

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