Apply for or Renew a Milk Weigher/Sampler Certificate


A person certified under §603 of the Milk Marketing Law. A weigher/sampler picks up milk at farms. It is unlawful for any milk dealer to buy or receive milk from producers based on the amount of butterfat or components contained in the milk, unless the samples taken for testing purposes are made by a certified weigher/sampler or a certified tester. It is also unlawful for any person to pick up milk from farms unless the person making the pickup is a certified weigher/sampler or a certified tester.

Weigher/samplers are certified based on their knowledge of proper weighing and sampling techniques as demonstrated by passing a written examination given at the time of initial application for weigher/sampler certification.

The Pennsylvania Milk Board regulates the economic aspects of the producer/handler relationship. The Milk Marketing Law requires the Board to certify weigher/samplers to ensure the weigher/samplers are properly weighing producer milk and properly taking samples of producer milk for payment purposes. The Board certifies weigher/samplers on a calendar-year basis.

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture is responsible for regulating the sanitary aspects of the producer/handler relationship. Among the Department's activities in that regard is periodic field evaluations of weigher/samplers to ensure their procedures meet sanitary guidelines.

New applications and renewals of Weigher/Sampler Certificates must be completed online.
You must set up a Greenport account to apply for or renew your license online.
Instructions for setting up a Greenport account, finding the PMB security form, and accessing MARS are here.

Weigher/Sampler Study Materials

If you do not have internet access, call Fatima Roberge at 717-787-4194.