Report a Pennsylvania Liquor Code Violation

If you want to file a report for the violation to be investigated, the two quickest ways are by filling out the online complaint form or calling our toll-free hotline. Your information will be kept confidential. Providing your personal data is optional.

What is a liquor code violation?

Examples of reportable acts include, but are not limited to:

  • Noisy or disorderly establishments
  • Liquor sales to minors
  • Liquor sales to visibly intoxicated persons
  • Sales after hours
  • Gambling
  • Drug activity
  • Sales of alcohol without a license (speakeasy)



Need to report underage drinking?

To report underage drinking taking place anywhere other than a licensed establishment, call toll-free: 1-888-UNDER21 (1-888-863-3721).

How to report a liquor violation

If you witness a violation, contact us and include details that will assist in the investigation. 

What should I include in the report?

Whether you are reporting a violation online or by phone, remember to provide any information, such as:

  • Name of the business or speakeasy operator
  • Location: Street address and city
  • What type of illegal activity is happening
  • Days of the week or times of days violations are occurring

You don’t have to include your contact information, but if you do, investigators may follow up with you if more details are required.

If you are leaving a message by phone, speak clearly and slowly.

Contact us by phone

Report a violation

Call our toll-free number
