Submit a Comment About PSP on the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) Public Portal

Your feedback helps ensure that we comply with CALEA accreditation standards.

CALEA Accreditation

PSP goes through yearly inspections and has maintained CALEA compliance since 1993.

CALEA is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization that ensures public safety agencies are using current best practices. Yearly on-site inspections test on over 450 standards, including:

  • adherence to policy
  • physical security of sites
  • community engagement
  • professionalism in providing police services

On Nov. 13, 2020, PSP received its ninth consecutive accreditation, which remains in effect for four years.

The CALEA public comment portal

You can voice your opinions, commendations, or concerns about your interactions with PSP by submitting a comment.

Input from the public is compiled and reviewed by CALEA as part of the yearly review process.

You can submit feedback on the CALEA public portal.

The CALEA portal is not for voicing complaints or paying compliments to the State Police. This data goes to CALEA only.