From Small Business Owners to Large-Scale Developers and Community Leaders: What People Are Saying About Governor Shapiro’s Work to Speed Up Government — Streamlining PLC Processes to Fuel Economic Growth Across the Commonwealth

"We proudly stand alongside Governor Shapiro and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in advancing economic growth and opportunity...strengthening the critical partnership between economic development projects and permitting agencies, fostering a streamlined, transparent, and effective process.”


“Transforming a site of this scale and creating thousands of new jobs requires business, government, labor, and institutions to work together.”


“The changes have been great for small business. What used to take weeks now takes days — sometimes even the same day.”

Harrisburg, PAGovernor Josh Shapiro is proving that government can work at the speed of business.  

Last week, Governor Shapiro signed Executive Order 2024-04 to launch the PA Permit Fast Track Program — making Pennsylvania the first state in the nation to implement a project-based permitting fast track system to streamline the process for major economic development and infrastructure projects and directing the Office of Transformation & Opportunity (OTO) to lead it — enhancing transparency, accelerating timelines, and ensuring seamless interagency coordination. The Governor visited the Bellwether District in Philadelphia and Project Hazelnut in Luzerne County, meeting with business leaders and developers to discuss how these transformative projects are creating jobs, driving economic growth, and demonstrating Pennsylvania’s competitiveness as a destination for business investment. 

In addition, at West Philadelphia’s Philly Cuts last week, Governor Shapiro met with barber shop and salon owners to discuss reforms to Pennsylvania’s licensing and certification processes, which are helping over 1 million workers get licensed faster. Small business owners praised the improvements for allowing them to serve their communities more efficiently.  

Since taking office, Governor Shapiro has reduced permitting backlogs, slashed wait times, and held state government accountable to Pennsylvanians. From permitting to occupational licensing, these improvements are making the Commonwealth a place where government works to create real opportunities — allowing Pennsylvanians the freedom to chart their own course and the opportunity to succeed.   

Here’s what economic developers, business owners, and community leaders are saying about Governor Shapiro’s efforts to streamline permitting, licensing, and certification processes across the Commonwealth: 

Roberto Perez, CEO, HRP Group, developer for the Bellwether District: “Transforming a site of this scale and creating thousands of new jobs requires business, government, labor, and institutions to work together — along with a little imagination and a lot of grit. I firmly believe that together, we will show that in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we can innovate and accomplish big things.” 

Brian Stahl, Vice President of Development, NorthPoint Development: "We proudly stand alongside Governor Shapiro and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in advancing economic growth and opportunity. This Executive Order strengthens the critical partnership between economic development projects and permitting agencies, fostering a streamlined, transparent, and effective process. This collaboration accelerates investments, creates meaningful jobs, generates vital tax revenue, and further strengthens the economy for all Pennsylvanians." 

Chellie Cameron, President & CEO, The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia: “The Fast Track Program provides businesses with the certainty and predictability they need to make strategic decisions and minimize potential risks. When business leaders can rely on accurate forecasting, they can confidently pursue opportunities that create jobs and drive greater economic growth for Pennsylvania and the Greater Philadelphia region.” 

Ryan Boyer, Business Manager of the Philadelphia Building and Construction Trades Council: “Governor Shapiro knows that to create jobs and put the men and women of the Philadelphia building trades to work, we must make Pennsylvania a place where businesses want to invest. Meaningful permitting reform is long overdue, and Governor Shapiro is making it a reality—building on his track record of moving government at the speed of business and supporting an economy that provides good, family-sustaining jobs here in the Philadelphia region and beyond.” 

Greg Moreland, NFIB Pennsylvania State Director: “NFIB commends Governor Shapiro for following through on this campaign promise. For years, the Commonwealth has lost business to other states due to our broken permitting system. This Executive Order is welcome recognition that the Commonwealth can do better when dealing with the private sector. When permits are stalled, the Commonwealth and small businesses lose money. This is a welcome, innovative, change.” 

Mayor Jeff Cusat, City of Hazleton: “Under my leadership, we’ve made critical updates to our code department, issuing thousands of permits and business licenses. I’m glad to see the state also taking action to speed up their permitting processes. When we cut down on unnecessary red tape, we attract more businesses, create jobs, and help Pennsylvanians get the licenses and certifications they need to succeed. Governor Shapiro and I are on the same page — government should work for the people and not slow down economic development projects that benefit our communities.” 

Dr. Anthony Grigoli, Chairman of the Township Supervisors Board for Hazle Township: “Hazle Township is seeing a lot of new investment, and these types of projects can't happen without fast and efficient permitting from the government. It takes everyone working together to get a project like this over the finish line, and the township has worked incredibly hard to make this a successful public-private partnership. The new tech campus being built in Hazle Township will create 900 good-paying tech jobs. And once the project is up and running, the township will see tax revenue that will help support our schools, parks, and roads. Hazle Township is open for business, and we are grateful to have partners at the state who are working with us and businesses like Northpoint.” 

Mary Malone, President & CEO of Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce: “The Fast Track Program is a dynamic tool that highlights the transformational potential of projects like Hazelnut. With the Executive Order, we’re elevating public-private partnerships to a new level. The next phase is all about the three Cs: connection, collaboration, and community. This program strengthens connections to resources, enhances collaboration between municipalities and local stakeholders, and invests in our community. Hazelnut will bring not only tech jobs but also more teachers in our classrooms, healthcare providers at Lehigh Valley Hospital Hazleton, and new small businesses like salons and barbershops. The common thread? All these businesses depend on professional licensing to thrive. Thank you to Governor Shapiro, the Office of Transformation and Opportunity, and NorthPoint for choosing our area.” 

Ben Kirshner, OTO’s Chief Transformation Officer: “Governor Shapiro knows that to win the competition to attract and retain companies and jobs, we need a government that moves at the speed of business. That’s why he made responsive government a core goal of his economic development strategy. The PA Permit Fast Track program is in line with the Governor’s vision and gives us a new tool to deliver coordination, accountability, and transparency for permitting big, complex projects here in the Commonwealth, increasing Pennsylvania’s competitiveness.” 

Darryl Thomas, owner of Philly Cuts: “The changes have been great for small business. What used to take weeks now takes days — sometimes even the same day.” 

Ann Turner, owner of Hair Du Jour Salon: “Our Governor is a man of his word, committed to taking care of the people he proudly serves. Not only does he make the initial licensing process easy, but he has also found a way to eliminate the headache from the renewal process.” 

Zina Johnson Patrick, owner of Hair 4 U: “Streamlining the licensing process is essential to reducing barriers for beauty professionals and driving economic growth in the industry.” 

See some of what Pennsylvanian’s are reading — including an editorial from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette — about Governor Shapiro’s efforts to streamline permitting, licensing, and certification processes across the Commonwealth: 

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [EDITORIAL]: Shapiro's new permitting system gives a green light to economic development 

Politico’s E&E News: Josh Shapiro leans into permitting overhaul after Pa. swings red 

The Citizens’ Voice: In Hazleton, Shapiro signs order to speed up big development permit process 

Indiana Gazette: Shapiro signs order to 'fast track' Pennsylvania's permitting process 

Politics PA: Shapiro Signs Executive Order Creating PA Permit Fast Track Program 

Lehigh Valley Business: Shapiro signs order streamlining Pa.’s permitting process 

CNHI News: 'Fast Track' program created to speed up Pa.'s permitting on major developments 

Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Shapiro signs executive order aimed at streamlining permitting process for infrastructure projects 

WHYY: Pa. Gov. Shapiro asks some small Philly businesses what they need beyond less red tape. For many, it’s saving SEPTA 

The Philadelphia Inquirer: Gov. Josh Shapiro says he’s ready to take on Trump during a visit to a West Philly barber shop: ‘I’ve got a job to do’ 

WVIA: Economic development in Luzerne County gets fast tracked 

WOLF: Gov. Shapiro launches fast track program in Hazleton to boost economic development 

WGAL: Gov. Josh Shapiro signs executive order to streamline permitting process 

CNHI News: 'Fast Track' program created to speed up Pa.'s permitting on major developments 

WNEP: Gov. Shapiro highlights Pennsylvania Permit Fast Track program 

Fox 43: Gov. Shapiro highlights Pennsylvania Permit Fast Track program 

KDKA: New Pennsylvania program aims to fast track permitting process for big economic projects 

WOLF: Governor Shapiro launches program to fast-track permits, boosting PA's economic growth 

WPMT: PA permit fast track program 

WBRE: Gov. Shapiro’s new executive order 

WTFX: Economic fast track program 

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