Request Support with Restoring Your License After Incarceration

Reentrants who need verification of treatment completion or proof of dates of incarceration for driver's license restoration can email the DOC's Division of Treatment Services.

Reentrants may need verification of treatment completion and proof of dates of incarceration to restore their driver’s license. To obtain the needed items, email the Division of Treatment Services in the Department of Corrections. Please include your name, date of birth, inmate/parole number, and current address, and DTS will verify any dates and times of incarceration and/or verify any treatment completion.

Why Additional Information is Required to Restore a License

Pennsylvania Act 122 and Pennsylvania Act 151 require certain conditions be met before a driver's license can be restored after a suspension. This law applies to drivers who have been convicted of a DUI or other offense that requires court-ordered treatment or restitution.


Pay fines and fees: All court costs, fines, and restitution must be paid in full (Act 122)

Complete treatment: Complete any court-ordered treatment, such as drug and alcohol assessment, highway safety courses, other counseling or inpatient treatment, or DOC-mandated programs (Act 122)

Provide dates of incarceration: Any jail time has been completed (Act 151)