Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Apply for Community and Watershed Forestry Grants

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Community and Watershed Forestry grants focus on planting trees in towns and cities and along waterways.

Community and Watershed Forestry Funding

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Community and Watershed Forestry Program aims to improve local water quality and wildlife habitat, and increase community resiliency through sustainable forest practices.

The program provides financial assistance to identify locations in need of streamside (riparian) forest buffers, lawn-to-habitat conversion, and urban tree planting; and to design, implement, and establish those practices.

The practices can be installed on both public and private property.

This program supports projects that produce conventional buffers and multi-functional buffers.

Conventional riparian buffers are the trees, shrubs, and grasses planted along waterways that help protect water quality.

Buffers improve the health and diversity of local ecosystems by:

  • Filtering pollutants
  • Improving bank stability
  • Reducing erosion and flooding
  • Providing wildlife habitat and cooling water temperatures

Multi-functional buffers (PDF) provide benefits beyond conservation by offering an opportunity to harvest products in addition to the conventional buffer of riparian tree and shrub species.

In Pennsylvania, typical products included in multi-functional buffers are nuts, berries, woody florals, forbs, and potentially woody biomass.

The program also provides funding to promote and facilitate the conversion of presently maintained lawn to actively managed upland forest (300 feet or further away from a waterbody) or perennial native meadow.

Those interested in planting trees in communities (formerly TreeVitalize) funding should apply under this program.

Each grant requires a 20 percent match (cash or non-cash match is accepted). Eligible project costs for the Community and Watershed Forestry Program funding include:

  • Targeted landowner outreach
  • Project design
  • Materials
  • Labor (hired or grantee staff)
  • Site preparation
  • Post-planting establishment
  • Tree Tender training
  • Short-term stewardship/training

Community and Watershed Grant Requirements

  • The minimum grant award is $50,000.
  • Funds provided by DCNR may not exceed 80 percent of the approved project cost.
  • Local match can include cash and/or non-cash (volunteer, donation, in-kind) sources.
  • Minimum buffer width is 15 feet. Applicants are strongly encouraged to implement an average buffer width of 35 feet or more.
  • Applicants who undertake a buffer or lawn-to-habitat project must be willing to enter into a Riparian Planting Habitat Restoration Agreement (PDF) with each participating landowner for a minimum of 25 years. Conservation easements also may be considered as a form of landowner agreement.

Contact us

For more information, please contact your DCNR Bureau of Recreation and Conservation regional advisor (PDF).