The Department of Conversation and Natural Resources (DCNR) is the primary coordinator for search-and-rescue efforts in its state forest and state park lands. DCNR desires to use trained and certified personnel on all DCNR-land searches. Most search-and-rescue groups provide training and/or certification opportunities for their members.
The department has available training standards for search-and-rescue team leader and member certification:
- Field Team Leader-Performance Expectation Guidelines (PDF)
- Field Team Member-Performance Expectation Guidelines (PDF)
Become an approved evaluator
If you want to become an approved evaluator, you must first contact the department's Bureau of Forestry Recreation Section requesting to become an evaluator.
The Search-and-Rescue Committee then reviews the request and determines whether you meet the Field Team Leader and Field Team Member Evaluator Standards (PDF).
There is no test associated with becoming an approved evaluator.