Millions of structures in Pennsylvania are located over old, abandoned underground coal and clay mines.
Mine Subsidence Insurance pays for losses from unnticipated earth movement related to abandoned underground mines. It covers damage from the collapse of underground coal and clay mines in Pennsylvania.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Protection offers this coverage because homeowner's insurance usually does not include it.
Additional Resources
- Apply for Mine Subsidence Insurance coverage
- Check Application Status
- Check Annual Premium Rates
- Check Policy Status
- Renew Policy
- Insuring Agreement (PDF)
- Insurance Producer Login and Register to Sell Mine Subsidence Insurance
- Check for Risk
- Print Application (PDF)
- Print Rate Chart (PDF)
- Mine Subsidence Insurance FAQs
How to Apply for Mine Subsidence Insurance
If your home is at risk, coverage is available and affordable. Residential coverage of $150,000 costs $41.25 a year. Since 1961, the Mine Subsidence Insurance program has paid out over $47 million in homeowner claims.
Coverage would be for complete and under-construction buildings, appurtenances, and incidental losses. Mine subsidence coverage is available from $5,000 to $1,000,000.
You should insure your home for its replacement value plus 20%. This covers losses to appurtenances and incidental costs. Residential coverage costs about 27 cents for every $1,000 of coverage.
- Use the premium calculator to estimate your premium.
- Apply for Mine Subsidence Insurance coverage.
- Check your application status, policy status, or renew.
The Mine Subsidence Insurance (MSI) Fund does not disclose nonpublic personal financial information about its customers to nonaffiliated third parties except as permitted by law. Learn more about confidentiality.
- Print application (PDF)
- Print Rate Chart (PDF)
Check for Risk
First, find out if your home is at risk of sitting top of an abandoned mine.
Then, fill out the MSI Site-Specific Request Form to request information about underground mining at your location.
Insurance Producers
Only insurance producers with property and casualty authority in Pennsylvania may submit Mine Subsidence Insurance applications. They will receive payment for implementing policies.
Insurance Producer Login and Register to Sell Mine Subsidence Insurance
If you need to request an insurance certificate, please contact us at RA-EPMSI@pa.gov.
If you are getting an error message about your insurance license being expired please contact us at RA-EPMSIECOM@pa.gov
The Mine Subsidence Insuring Agreement defines mine subsidence. It is the movement of the ground surface due to the collapse of underground coal or clay mines.
This includes the roof, floor, and pillars of those mines linked to the tunnels and voids created by extracting coal and clay.
A Mine Subsidence Insurance Policy covers damage caused by mine subsidence. Coverage also extends to losses from the movement of the ground due to a sudden and unexpected discharge of water, known as a mine water blowout. For further explanations of coverage, please refer to the Insuring Agreement.
Mine subsidence features usually take the form of either ground collapse (often called "sinkholes") or troughs. Ground collapse is common in areas overlying shallow room-and-pillar mines. Open holes occur when a mine roof collapses into a mine opening. This causes the overlying ground to cave in, creating a depression in the surface.
Please note that Mine Subsidence Insurance does not apply to sinkholes that occur as a result of limestone weathering.
Most collapses develop where the cover is less than 50 feet. The cover is the vertical distance between the coal seam and the surface.
This type of subsidence is usually localized. It affects a small area of the overlying surface. However, subsidence often causes severe damage to structures and surfaces. It can be quite dramatic and costly. Ground collapse related to mine subsidence has caused extensive damage to many homes and properties.
Modern active underground mines are too deep to cause ground collapse or “sinkhole” subsidence.
The DEP will not allow underground mining beneath structures where the overburden is less than 100 feet (30.5 m), per current regulations. This is unless a subsidence control plan shows that the mine workings will be stable and will not damage the structures.
Subsidence troughs induced by room-and-pillar mining can occur over active or abandoned mines. The damage from surface impacts can be similar. However, the causes of the subsidence are very different.
In abandoned mines, troughs usually occur when the overburden sags. This can happen due to failed, remnant mine pillars. Or the pillars may have punched into a soft mine floor or roof.
It is difficult to predict if or when an abandoned mine will fail. Abandoned mines may collapse decades after mining ends. This is true if the mine workings were not designed for long-term support.
General Questions and Answers
Insurance producers licensed in Pennsylvania with property authority may sell MSI. Click on the Insurance Producer link on the MSI homepage at dep.pa.gov/msi. The "DEP GreenPort Information" link on the How to Submit Applications page explains how to register and login through our eCommerce Portal (DEP GreenPort). Once registered, you use the GreenPort to submit applications and make commissions.
No, but the Insurance Producer page contains a Sales Kit and marketing ideas that you can use to quickly identify your customers at risk and then contact them.
Search the mining conditions under a site using the MSI Risk interactive mapping application. Sites can be located by: entering and address, latitude and longitude, or municipality using the Locate Site tools. Once a site is located, a message will appear on the screen with the mining status and whether or not Mine Subsidence Insurance is recommended. Repeat the process to check multiple sites.
Producers must still submit applications through the DEP Greenport. Do not use the link on the interactive map.
Go to the Sales Kit link on the Insurance Producers homepage and use the Sales Tips & Tools to dramatically increase your applications. Not only will your customers be greatly served, the commissions that result will astonish you. One agent followed the strategy and submitted close to 100 applications in the first two months of operations. That agent has already made more than $5,000 in commissions!
The agent only places the policy with us. The MSI office handles all billings, claims, increases, policy updates, and refunds.
Each agent must register separately. Each time you log into the DEP GreenPort your license is verified with the PA Insurance Department so that we can then accurately report your commissions. However, if you have one person in your office that you want to enter applications, you may provide them with your account information. But you are responsible for the information submitted from your account.
Appurtenances are defined as fences, retaining walls, paved or improved patios, walks, driveways, and in ground swimming pools. All appurtenances must be permanently affixed and securely attached to the land surface and adjacent to and used in conjunction with the part of the insured structure that is the building. Damage to appurtenances is limited to 10% of the coverage amount and covered only if the insured structure is damaged by the same event.
All applications are subject to review. The policy effective date is the day it is submitted online, as long as payment is received within 60 days. After 60 days, MSI will accept payment, but coverage is effective as of the date the payment is received.
Please have the policyholder call 1-888-357-2674. If they reach our voicemail system, they can leave a message with their policy number and the new amount of insurance desired (maximum $1,000,000 or the replacement value of the structure plus 20% to coverage losses to the appurtenances and incidental costs, whichever is less). We pro-rate the current premium and bill them for the difference.
Increases to coverage are handled by our in-house staff. Please have the policyholder call 1-888-357-2674. If they reach our voicemail system, they can leave a message with their policy number and the new amount of insurance desired (maximum $1,000,000 or the replacement value of the structure plus 20% to coverage losses to the appurtenances and incidental costs, whichever is less). We pro-rate the current premium and bill them for the difference.
Please have them call our regional office at 1-800-922-1678. When the voicemail options start, immediately dial '0' for the switchboard. Ask to speak to a MSI Rep about filing a claim.
Only applications submitted online earn a commission. Login to the DEP GreenPort via the Producer Login button (follow the registration instructions if a first-time user). At the Main Menu, choose "Create A New MSI Application." Enter the zip code and municipality. This will either display a map or show a message that indicates if the area is considered to be undermined. If there is a map available, it may take 10 - 30 seconds to load. At this point, you may continue with the application itself, check another location, or return to the Main Menu. A Customer Information Sheet is available in the sales kit to assist you in collecting the information needed to complete the online application.
Yes, all your customer's information is kept confidential and secure by the MSI Fund. This is a link to the MSI Fund's policy on Confidentiality of Nonpublic Personal Information.
No, the application is handled electronically. After the application is completed, a PDF version of the data must be reviewed and may be edited. Then the applicant must review and agree to the terms of the Insuring Agreement. The next screen is a summary of Act 69, which governs electronic transactions/signatures. The applicant "signs" the application when you click on "Accept Data." You must print a copy of the application and the Insuring Agreement and provide them to the applicant for their records.
Your team may use this link to the MSI page on our site, your website. The page is designed to answer homeowners' questions about mine subsidence and instructions on how to apply.
Oil and gas lease agreements should not affect MSI coverage because they typically do not bargain away the rights of the MSI policyholder to be compensated by third parties for losses caused by mine subsidence, rights that are required under Sections 3.C, 11 and 12 of the MSI insuring agreement.
Condominiums and Cooperatives
Condominium and cooperative law requires that the association be named as the insured of all common elements, such as the walls, ceilings floors, roofs and other structural components, no matter who pays the premium. Condominium and cooperative associations are required by law to use the settlement proceeds to make repairs to the common elements of the insured unit prior to repairing the non-common elements within the unit.
If the building is configured vertically, that is with units attached at the floors and ceilings like a high-rise building, then the structure is insured under one policy. If the building is configured horizontally, that is with the units attached at the walls like a row of houses, then each unit may carry its own policy or all the attached units may be covered under one policy.
Either the association or the unit owner may report damage.
Commissions are based upon 50% of the first year's premium. Agents must now retain their commission. To earn a commission, the application must be submitted online.
Agents must retain their commission which is one-half of the first year premium. The agent then sends the balance of the premium to the Commonwealth of PA.
MSI is no longer accepting checks for the full premium amount. Agents/agencies are required to retain their commissions. If the commission is not retained, the check will be returned to you.
Commissions will not be paid if the structure under application has carried coverage within one year of the date of a new application and the titled ownership has not changed. Commissions will not be paid if the structure under application has carried coverage within two years of the date of a new application, the titled ownership has not changed, and the agent or agency submitting the application has not changed.
We do not have the capabilities to change the assignment of a commission. However, you may select the option you desire when you submit your next application.
Yes, commissions can go to an insurance agency. On the Pending Applications page, select the agency field at the bottom of the screen and then click on ?Generate Invoice.? Search for your Agency by using just part of the Agency Name and the '%%' wildcard. From the search results, click the "Pick" button beside the Agency to which the commission should be assigned.
The Fund will notify you if the policy is canceled within a year of its issuance. You must promptly refund the Fund any unearned portion of the commission that you received for that Mine Subsidence Insurance Policy. Commission returns are based upon a prorated portion of the unearned premiums.
Error Messages and Technical Issues
Close the DEP GreenPort Login page and click again on the Producer Login link. Always allow each page to fully load when logging in.
All of these usually result from the server being busy. Please try again in a few minutes.
This indicates that either the username or password was entered incorrectly. The password is case sensitive but the username is not.
You can re-register or contact the Application Support Help Desk at 717-787-4357 or ep-efactshelpdeskteam@pa.gov.
Make sure to include your full name, telephone number and email address.
Click on the "Can't remember your password?" link below the username and password fields on the DEP GreenPort Login page. Follow the instructions provided and a new password will be emailed to you. Login with the new password. Do not click on the MSI for Agents button. First, use the Account Administration button, on the left side of the screen, to change this password to one of your choosing. If you cannot remember your username or did not set up a Password Recovery Hint, you have a couple options. You can either re-register or contact the Applications Support Help Desk at 717-787-4357 or ep-efactshelpdeskteam@pa.gov The help desk will need to know your full name, telephone number and email address. Your username and a new password will be emailed to you.
You can either re-register or contact the Applications Support Help Desk at 717-787-4357 or ep-efactshelpdeskteam@pa.gov to unlock your account.
If you clicked on the "Generate Invoices" button and nothing came up, use the Refresh icon. The invoice is a PDF file, which can sometimes take a few moments to load.
The application cannot be re-generated from the Process/Edit Applications screen. Login to the DEP Greenport by clicking on "Producer Login" on the MSI homepage. On the main menu page click on "View Submitted MSI Applications." Type in the date that you submitted the application to MSI and click on the "refresh" button. You are then able to print copies of the application for the applicant, your files, and to submit with payment.
Our Sales Kit will help you maximize the return on your sales efforts.
Along with the following sales strategy, all the tools you need to successfully sell Mine Subsidence Insurance are right here on our web site. Feel free to add your own strategies, techniques and materials to those we suggest.
Here's How to Sell Mine Subsidence Insurance:
1. Click on "Register Now" and register via the DEP Greenport.
2. Sort your customer list/database by zip code and municipality.
3. Click on "Producer Login" and log into the DEP Greenport.
4. Enter the zip codes and municipalities of your customers into the MSI system and check the mining conditions.
Note: If after checking you are in doubt as to the results, recommend coverage to your customer. After you submit each application, we further investigate the mining conditions and contact your customer if we believe there is no risk. The choice of coverage, however, is always left to the applicant.
a. Customer Letter (Use ours below or one you create.)
b. Customer Brochure or Sales Sheet below
c. Premium Rate Chart (3 per sheet, trim out as needed)
d. Customer Information Sheet (Mail it or use it to gather information via the phone or email.)
e. Your Company's Return Envelope
The photographs in the sections below are examples of damage caused by the collapse of underground mines (Mine Subsidence). For additional photos please click on the sections below.
Process of Repair
Example 2
Process of Repair
Example 3
Process of Repair
Structure Damages
Brick cracks and porch pillar pulling away from house.
Torn Down or Rebuilt
Vacant lot where house stood.
Example 2
Structure Damages
Foundation and brick cracks.
Torn Down or Rebuilt
New house built.
Example 3
Structure Damages
Several sinkholes around the home.
Torn Down or Rebuilt
Vacant lot where house stood.
Example 4
Structure Damages
Foundation cracking.
Torn Down or Rebuilt
Foundation for a new house.
Frequently Asked Questions
Any homeowner whose property sits on top of an abandoned coal and clay mine. Adjacent properties may also be at risk for mine subsidence or mine water breakouts, which are the sudden release of water from flooded underground mines.
Search the mining conditions under your site using the MSI Risk interactive mapping application. Sites can be located by: entering an address, latitude and longitude, or municipality using the Locate Site tools. Once a site is located, a message will appear on the screen with the mining status and whether or not Mine Subsidence Insurance is recommended. If you are at risk, you are able to apply online using the Apply for MSI button. Repeat the process to check multiple sites.
Damage due to mine subsidence or mine water breakouts are usually not covered by your homeowner's insurance policy.
Coverage is provided for complete buildings, buildings under construction, appurtenances to insured structures and for incidental losses that are a consequence of a loss. A separate policy is necessary for each building you desire to insure.
No, a detached garage would need its own policy. A separate policy is necessary for each complete building you desire to insure.
Appurtenances are defined as fences, retaining walls, paved or improved patios, walks, driveways, and in ground swimming pools. All appurtenances must be permanently affixed and securely attached to the land surface and adjacent to and used in conjunction with the part of the insured structure that is the building. Damage to appurtenances is limited to 10% of the coverage amount and covered only if the insured structure is damaged by the same event.
MSI only covers damage to the building and its appurtenances. In most cases, personal belongings are not damaged and are recoverable.
A MSI policy covers damage to your home or buildings and their appurtenances that occurs during the policy period and which is caused by the movement of the ground surface as a result of the collapse of underground coal or clay mine workings, or from a sudden unexpected breakout of water from an abandoned mine. Losses to appurtenances are limited to 10% of the coverage amount. The insured building must be damaged by the same event before losses to appurtenances can be paid.
Incidental costs are expenses that are typically incurred as a consequence of mine subsidence damage and repair and that are in addition to the cost to repair physical damage. They include expenses for temporary relocation, increased utilities, reduced income, increased living costs and security for the insured structure. All policies created or renewed after December 11, 2013 provides between $600 and $7,000 as compensation for incidental costs, depending upon the severity of the loss and the coverage in place. This compensation is part of the coverage purchased and does not provide compensation in excess of the coverage purchased.
Claims are filed with a DEP field office and are investigated by the MSI Fund. Compensation for a valid claim is based on the actual cost to repair or replace covered damages and cannot exceed the value of the coverage, or the replacement cost of the structure, whichever is less. To file a claim, you simply call 1-800-922-1678.
You need to forward the bill to your lender. The MSI Fund does not directly bill lenders.
Buildings located in an area with a record of past or recent problems will require an inspection before MSI can be purchased. A fund representative will contact you if an inspection is required.
Structures with significant damage can be insured if the damages are first repaired or if an estimate of the cost to repair the damages is provided to the MSI Fund. The cost to repair, adjusted for inflation, would be excluded from any damage claim settlement. However, a policy would not be issued if the cost to repair exceeded the replacement cost of the structure or the policy limit of $1,000,000, which ever is less, because that policy would have no value. The MSI Fund may not issue a policy while the structure to be covered is being damaged by mine subsidence or by another cause until the fund determines the damage has ceased.
Following are some common causes of structural damage which may be mistaken for mine subsidence:
- Settlement under surface loads
- Landslides and soil creep
- Shrinking and swelling of soils
- Freezing and thawing of soils
- Surface and subsurface erosion
- Poor construction methods
- Structural movements
- Structural deterioration
Oil and gas lease agreements should not affect MSI coverage because they typically do not bargain away the rights of the MSI policyholder to be compensated by third parties for losses caused by mine subsidence, rights that are required under Sections 3.C, 11 and 12 of the MSI insuring agreement.
Pennsylvania's non-profit Mine Subsidence Insurance Fund has been in continued operation since 1961. Since that time, over $30 million in homeowner claims has been paid.
Coverage is available from $5,000 to $1,000,000. Your home should be insured up to its replacement value plus 20% to cover losses to appurtenances and incidental costs.
Residential coverage costs about 27 cents for every $1,000 of coverage. An average policy of $160,000 would cost just $43.75 a year or about $3.65 a month.
You are able to apply online via the MSI online application or call the MSI Help Desk at 1-800-922-1678 to have an application mailed to you.
Yes, all personal information provided to the MSI Fund is kept confidential. This is a link to the MSI Fund's policy on Confidentiality of Nonpublic Personal Information.
You should apply when you have an agreement to purchase or when you make your mortgage application. Your insurance coverage will become effective at closing, as long as a required inspection does not identify damages which may need addressed.
Coverage is written for a term of one year and is renewable annually.
All applications are subject to review. You will receive a Certificate of Insurance upon completion of the review. The policy effective date is the day that you submit the application via the online system subject to review.
You are able to use your credit or credit/debit card to submit an application or renew your policy. Go to the MSI online system to apply or renew.
You are able to use your credit or credit/debit card to renew your policy over the phone.
You can not increase online. Increases need to be sent in writing to Commonwealth of PA,
Mine Subsidence Insurance
P O Box 8462
Harrisburg PA 17105
Or you can email us RA-EPMSIECOM@pa.gov.
Please include your policy # and the amount you want to increase to with your contact information.
The Mine Subsidence Insurance Board determines the inflation index for the following year at its December board meeting.
The certificate is now printed on the back of your renewal notice. If you receive an e-mail renewal notice, then your certificate will be sent to you via e-mail.
You will receive a 10 percent discount on your primary residence if you’re 65 or older by the premium due date. Discounts apply to the primary residence only. You will also receive a 10 percent discount for any policies purchased for outbuildings (detached garages, sheds, etc.) at your primary residence address.
You will automatically receive the senior discount as long as we have your date of birth on record and the policy is for your primary residence.
The rate on your renewal notice will read "Senior."
The senior citizen discount only applies to your primary residence and any outbuildings at your primary residence address that have mine subsidence insurance policies.
You have two options:
- If your policy is close to the end date, you can contact us at 1-888-357-2674 and close the account or you don’t need to do anything and just let the policy run out.
- If your policy still has time on it, you can request a refund of your unused premium.
If you would like a refund of your unused premium, you will need to notify us in writing and tell us the date you want the cancellation to take place. If you are selling your property, we recommend canceling your policy on the day of the sale. If you notify us within 30 days of the date of the sale, we will refund your unused premium back to the closing date. If you notify us after 30 days of the closing date, we will refund your unused premium back to the date that we are notified. You will also need to include the policy number, name of the person that the check needs to be made out to, the closing date of the house, telephone number and your new mailing address. Refund checks have to be mailed to your new mailing address because checks are not forwarded. You can notify us in writing in one of three ways:
- Mail the information to us at Mine Subsidence Insurance, PO Box 8462, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8462.
- Fax it to us at 717-783-4675 to the attention of Mine Subsidence.
- E-mail it to us at ra-epmsiecom@pa.gov
No, you will need to apply for a new policy.
No, the new owners need to apply for their own policy.
Condominium and cooperative law requires that the association be named as the insured of all common elements, such as the walls, ceilings floors, roofs and other structural components, no matter who pays the premium. You may apply for coverage for your individual unit and associated common elements if your association will not purchase coverage. Renewal notices will be sent to you. Both you and the association will be named as insureds. We encourage individuals to apply for sufficient coverage to cover all common and non-common elements within their unit. The Pennsylvania Condominium Act requires that all settlement proceeds be paid to the association and that all the proceeds be used to repair the covered unit, with the repairs to the common elements of the insured unit being complete prior to repairs of the non-common elements within the unit. However if the property owner pays the premium, the property owner will also be named on the settlement check.
Yes, a townhouse owner may apply for insurance at the residential rate. Townhouse associations may also apply for insurance for all of the units covered under the association at the residential rate. If you have a policy and your association decides to purchase coverage for the entire development, you will then be reimbursed any unused premium.
Yes, by law a condominium or cooperative association owns any insurance that covers their property no matter who pays the premium. Renewal notices are sent directly to the association. The associations are required to use all settlement proceeds to repair the insured property.
If the building is configured vertically, that is with units attached at the floors and ceilings like a high-rise building, then the structure is insured under one policy. If the building is configured horizontally, that is with the units attached at the walls like a row of houses, then each unit may carry its own policy or all the attached units may be covered under one policy.
Either the association or the unit owner may report damage.
Confidentiality of Nonpublic Personal Information
The Mine Subsidence Insurance (MSI) Fund does not disclose nonpublic personal financial information about its customers to nonaffiliated third parties except as permitted by law.
This information includes your name, address, telephone number, email, Social Security number, date of birth, lender information, loan number, prior insurance information, status of property ownership, descriptions of your property's physical condition, information about insurance coverage payment, and information used to investigate and settle insurance claims.
To safeguard your nonpublic personal financial information and to assure that only authorized MSI employees have access to it, the MSI Fund maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal and state regulations.