Department of Environmental Protection

Apply for Laboratory Accreditation

All environmental laboratories performing testing or analysis of drinking/potable water, non-potable water (wastewater), and solid or chemical materials must be accredited by the DEP. 


All environmental laboratories performing testing or analysis of the following must be accredited by the DEP.

  • Drinking/Potable Water
  • Non-Potable Water (Wastewater)
  • Solid and Chemical Materials 

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (“Department”) Laboratory Accreditation Program operates a dual accreditation system. 

Environmental laboratories may choose to seek accreditation by the:

  1. Pennsylvania State Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (“State”)
  2. National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (“NELAP”)


How to Apply for the Laboratory Accreditation Program

All environmental laboratories performing testing or analysis of the following must be accredited by the DEP.

  • Drinking/Potable Water
  • Non-Potable Water (Wastewater)
  • Solid and Chemical Materials 

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (“Department”) Laboratory Accreditation Program operates a dual accreditation system.

Environmental laboratories may choose to seek accreditation by the:

  1. Pennsylvania State Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (“State”)
  2. National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (“NELAP”)

Both State and NELAP accredit drinking water, non-potable water, and solid and chemical materials.

To get asbestos accreditation from the Department, environmental labs must first get accredited by an NELAP-recognized body. Then, they must apply for secondary accreditation from the Department.

The Department does recognize the NY-DOH’s ELAP accreditation for asbestos in Solid & Chemical Materials as an acceptable alternative to NELAP accreditation for asbestos only.

Initial Application Requirements

An environmental lab seeking accreditation must submit an initial application.

It must also pay the fees per Chapter 252, Subchapter B, and submit a completed Federal W-9 Form.

Initial application fees are due when the laboratory:

  • Applies for accreditation with the Department at the beginning.
  • Applies for accreditation, but lacks a valid certificate from the Department.
  • Holds a state accreditation certificate but seeks NELAP accreditation (or vice versa).
  • Failing to submit a completed renewal application by the 15th of the month when their accreditation expires.

You can submit application materials in hard copy mailed to the address below, or in electronic format through the Laboratory Accreditation Program Document Upload, or to

Laboratory Accreditation Program Resources

The NELAC Institute (TNI) is a non-profit group that works to ensure environmental data is accurate and trustworthy through an open process, and is run by a Board of Directors.

Contact Us

Email: EP, Laboratory Accreditation Program

US Postal Service 

Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Laboratories
Attn: Laboratory Accreditation Program
PO Box 1467
Harrisburg, PA 17105-1467

UPS, FedEx, Other

Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Laboratories
Attn: Laboratory Accreditation Program
2575 Interstate Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9332