2024 Grant Round Application Acceptance Period
Applications will be accepted beginning at 8:00 AM on Monday, April 22, 2024, through 11:59 PM on Friday, June 21, 2024
Growing Greener is Pennsylvania’s largest state investment for environmental issues. The program supports various projects, including:
- Farmland preservation
- Open space protection
- State park improvements
- Abandoned mine cleanup
- Watershed restoration
- Recreational trails
- Upgrading water and sewer systems
Funds are allocated among four agencies:
- Department of Agriculture for farmland
- Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for parks
- Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority for water and sewer upgrades
Additional Resources
- Success Stories
- What is Growing Greener?
- Forms and Publications
- Additional Resources
- Act 67 & 68
- For Grantee/Vendor assistance related to Vendor Number: Help & Resources
- For Self Service Payment Lookup/Audit Confirmation: Self-Service-Payment-Lookup
- DEP Notice of Non-Discrimination: Non-Discrimination Information
New Features of the Watershed Grant
- The Growing Greener Watershed Renaissance Initiative is now available all over the state.
- In the Chesapeake Bay area, agricultural construction projects can be considered, but funding should mainly come from the Chesapeake Bay Phase 3 Watershed Implementation Plan or the Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program.
- Projects in Pennsylvania’s Environmental Justice Areas will get priority.
The Growing Greener Plus Grants Program includes:
- Growing Greener Watershed Restoration and Protection
- Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) Bond Forfeiture
How to Apply for the Growing Greener Plus Grants Program
1. Sign Up:
Sign up for notifications about the Growing Greener Watershed Protection, EPA 319, and Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act Grant Programs.
2. Review Materials:
Look at the following resources:
- 2024 Growing Greener Plus Grants Program Guidance
- A Primer for Fitting Charges within Budget Categories
- Special Watershed Initiatives
- Guide to Permitting for Watershed Improvement Projects
3. Watch Video Tutorial:
Watch the Grant Applicant Presentation and Demos.
4. Look Over Examples:
Check these example documents:
- AMDTreat Sample Report
- Checklist for Application Completeness
- Chesapeake Bay Countywide Action Plan Project Category Form
- Landowner Access Authorization
- Landowner-Grantee Agreement
- Landowner Letter of Commitment
- Landowner Letter of Commitment (SMCRA)
- Project Workplan
- Sample Maps and Photos
- Task and Deliverable Budget Worksheet
5. Complete Forms:
Fill out the following forms:
- Checklist for Application Completeness
- Chesapeake Bay Countywide Action Plan Project Category
- Landowner Letters
- Land Use Planning Form
- Multi-Municipal Planning Form
- Project Workplan
- Task and Deliverable Budget Worksheet
- Worker Protection and Investment Certification Form
6. Apply:
Apply Online starting at 8 a.m. on Monday, April 22, 2024, until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, June 21, 2024. Check the eGrants Instructions for Applicants for more details.
Forms and Publications
- Guidance for Data Management
- Landowner Access Authorization
- Form W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification
- Application for Quick Response Repair
- Forms for Travel Reimbursement
- PA Stream Buffer Tracking Form (Formerly Stream ReLeaf)
- PA Electronic Payment Program Form
- AMD Treatment System Form for Datashed
- Policy on repayment of grant funds for removed BMPs
- Landowner Grantee Agreement
- Grantee Landowner Conditions
- Final Report Guidelines
- Primer for Fitting Charges within Budget Categories
- Application for Reimbursement and Instructions
- Application for Reimbursement Supplemental Sheet and Instructions
- Work Progress Report
- Growing Greener Final Report Guidelines
- Clean Water Academy Course for PracticeKeeper Entry by Non-Conservation District Grantees
- Time Extension Request Form
- Budget Revision Request Form
Success Stories
The Swatara Creek Floodplain Restoration phase 1 lowered and restored 10+ acres of floodplain, wetlands, and streambank area along the creek in Pine Grove Borough. Completed in September 2020, this project spared homes and businesses from flooding on Dec. 25, 2020, and again on Sept. 1, 2021. — Wayne Lehman, Schuylkill Conservation District
Nutrient management plans are an essential step in designing and implementing agricultural best management practices to protect waterways from non-point-source pollution. Growing Greener funding is offsetting the cost of these plans for more than 30 farm operators in the northeast region. — Colleen Campion, Wayne Conservation District
In keeping with our congregation's goal of having a positive impact on the community, our stormwater retention project enabled us to make a positive impact on the environment and provided an excellent opportunity for education on the importance of being good caretakers of the earth and good neighbors. — Brian Rissinger, Executive Director, Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel
We converted 11,000 sq. ft. of parking lot to naturalized areas with five stormwater features. The features slow down and filter polluted stormwater from over three acres of impervious surface before it enters our creeks. Thirty community residents and students participated in the planting. We’re proud of the environmental and educational impacts of this collaboration. — Julie Slavet, Executive Director, Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership
I saw what my neighbor had done with the Turtle Creek partnership, and I wanted to get the stream back to what it was 45 years ago. You can see the improvements, you can see how fast the water’s moving and the sediment is no longer in the creek bed, with beautiful grass along the edge of the stream. The property has become more productive. Good management programs and stewardship of the land have brought this stream back to what I grew up with. — Greg Brown, Turtle Creek landowner
DEP Grant Resources
Investment Tracker
For a list of awarded grants, see DEP's Investment Tracker.
*It currently only shows grants awarded via the Electronic Single Application system. Dates of inclusion in this system will vary by grant program. We will add historic data for all awards not contained in this current report soon.
Funding Programs
Programs accept applications at different times throughout the year. Applicants submit most applications online through the Pennsylvania Electronic Single Application system. Use this list to find details on all DEP Grants Office programs. It includes information on application periods, eligibility, and where to apply.
Register as ESA Applicant
For issues related to completing the online application (non-specific to the grant program itself), please contact the ESA Help Desk at 833-448-0647 or by e-mail at egrantshelp@pa.gov.
Registering as a first-time ESA applicant – Keystone Login System
This video shows the first time ESA applicant the steps to register for a Keystone Login Account, which is needed to access and apply for grants in the Electronic Single Application system.
DEP Grants: Registering as a First-Time ESA Applicant – Keystone Login System
DEP offers competitive grant and rebate opportunities to support a range of programs to improve or protect the Commonwealth’s water, air, and land. This video shows the first time ESA applicant the steps to register for a Keystone Login Account, which is needed to access and apply for grants in the Electronic Single Application system. Learn more at dep.pa.gov/grants
How to Search for a Grant Program
This video will show how to search the Electronic Single Application system for available grant opportunities offered by DEP tailored to your organization or project type.
DEP Grants: How to Search for a Grant Program
DEP offers competitive grant and rebate opportunities to support a range of programs to improve or protect the Commonwealth’s water, air, and land. This video will show how to search the Electronic Single Application system for available grant opportunities offered by DEP tailored to your organization or project type. Learn more at dep.pa.gov/grants.
DEP Electronic Signature (eSignature) Process Instructions
If awarded a grant from DEP, the contracting process will be all electronic, including signatures on the grant agreement. This document explains the process and shows what the grantee signatories can expect when it comes time to sign their grant agreement.
- DEP Electronic Signature (eSignature) Process Instructions (PDF)
- Completing the eSignature Request (MP4)
This video will show how to search the Electronic Single Application system for available grant opportunities offered by DEP tailored to your organization or project type.
View the FAQ below for other important grant-related information and frequently asked questions.
Act 67 & 68
Projects proposing the construction of infrastructure or facilities (including streambank restoration, or BMPs) may receive additional consideration by meeting certain local land use planning and control requirements. This consideration may be obtained by including a form or a letter with the application as described in:
Technical Guidance Document 012-0200-002 (PDF)
To download the document, click File on the Adobe PDF toolbar, then click Save A Copy and save the document to a location on your PC. Please note that this is NOT a program requirement and is only necessary to obtain additional consideration.
Projects proposing watershed assessments or restoration planning may receive additional consideration by meeting certain local land use planning and control requirements. This consideration may be obtained by including a form or a letter with the application as described in:
Technical Guidance Document 012-0200-004 (PDF)
To download the document, click File on the Adobe PDF toolbar, then click Save A Copy and save the document to a location on your PC. Please note that this is NOT a program requirement and is only necessary to obtain additional consideration.
2023 Grants
The full list of approved Growing Greener Plus projects, funded by the Environmental Stewardship fund, in Southcentral Pennsylvania includes:
Berks County:
Berks County Conservation District
Cacoosing Creek Floodplain and Stream Restoration Assessment - $250,625
Dauphin County:
Capital Area Greenbelt Association, Inc.
Parkway Creek Restoration Phase 4 — $288,000
Fulton County:
Fulton County Conservation District
The Big Cove Creek Glazier/Souders Restoration Design Project — $117,110
Huntington County:
Chesapeake Conservancy, Inc.
Warriors Mark Run - East Rapid Stream Delisting Catchment — $140,000
Huntingdon County Conservation District
Standing Stone Creek Sediment Reduction Project — $374,346
Lancaster County:
Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake
Sacred Green Infrastructure Program — $116,000
Cocalico Creek Watershed Association
Little Cocalico Creek at Fry Run Stream and Wetland Restoration – Design and Permitting — $96,400
Lancaster County Conservation District
Hoover Farm Stream Restoration — $276,225
Lancaster & Chester Counties:
Stroud Water Research Center, Inc.
Forested Buffers with Livestock Exclusion in Lancaster/Chester Counties — $258,000
Mifflin County:
Mifflin County Conservation District
Green Gateway at Lewistown Country Club — $67,725
York County:
Leg Up Farm, Inc.
Leg Up Farm Ecological Restoration — $108,000
Watershed Alliance of York, Inc.
Beaver Creek Stream Restoration Design and Permitting — $103,100
Horn Farm for Agricultural Education
Horn Farm Ecological Restoration — $141,145
York County Conservation District
South Branch of Conewago Creek Stream Restoration Design and Permitting — $105,000
The full list of approved Act 167 Stormwater Management Planning Grants, funded by the COVID- American Rescue Plan Act, in Southcentral Pennsylvania includes:
Blair County:
Blair County Planning Commission
Blair County ACT 167 Stormwater Management Plan — $30,000
Lancaster County:
Lancaster County Commissioners Planning Department
Lancaster County Act 167 Plan Update (Phase 1) — $50,000
The full list of approved Growing Greener Plus projects, funded by the Environmental Stewardship fund, in Southeastern Pennsylvania includes:
Bucks County:
Cooks Creek Watershed Association
Update Cooks Creek Watershed Conservation Plan — $52,575
Chester County:
Brandywine Red Clay Alliance
Pocopson Creek Watershed Restoration Plan — $91,700
Goose Creek Alliance
Goose Creek Watershed Action Plan and Feasibility Study — $77,300
Easttown Township
Establishment of a Rain Garden Program in Easttown Township — $41,217
West Chester Borough
Public Works Yard Green Infrastructure — $200,747
Westtown Township
Thorne Drive Stormwater Basin Retrofit - $187,039
Delaware County:
Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art
Brandywine Watershed Climate-Smart Farms & High Performance Green Infrastructure — $100,000
Montgomery County:
Lower Merion Conservancy
Harriton Preserve Stream and Parkland Restoration — $217,600
Philadelphia County:
Philadelphia City Treasurer - Water Department
Tacony Reaches Green Infrastructure Stormwater Mitigation Project — $350,000
Philadelphia City Treasurer - Water Department
Glenwood Greened Acres Green Infrastructure Project — $350,000
The full list of approved Act 167 Stormwater Management Planning Grants, funded by the COVID- American Rescue Plan Act, in Southeastern Pennsylvania includes:
Bucks County:
Bucks County
Act 167 Stormwater Planning Grant — $50,000
Chester County:
Chester County Water Resources Authority
Chester County Act 167 Phase 1 Scope of Study — $50,000
Delaware County:
Delaware County Executive Director
Growing Greener Plus - County-wide Act 167 — $50,000
The full list of approved Growing Greener Plus projects, funded by the Environmental Stewardship fund, in Southwestern Pennsylvania includes:
Allegheny County:
Nine Mile Run Watershed Association (Upstream Pittsburgh)
Wilkinsburg Stormwater Resiliency Project Phase II — $390,000
Nine Mile Run Watershed Association (Upstream Pittsburgh)
Nine Mile Run Environmental Justice Watershed Plan — $185,450
Beaver County:
Beaver County Conservation District
Broadrun Farms Agricultural BMPs – Construction — $16,925
Beaver County Conservation District
Wright Brothers Dairy Agricultural BMP Construction — $307,280
Cambria County:
Cambria County Commissioners
Cambria County Ohio River Watershed Sediment and Nutrient Reduction Projects — $236,979
Somerset County:
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
South Fork Bens Creek Habitat Improvement and Streambank Stabilization — $149,417
Washington County:
Washington County Conservation District
Route 519 Agricultural BMP Project — $230,965
Westmoreland County:
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
Little Sewickley Creek Restoration Project — $138,580
Westmoreland County Conservation District
Adelphoi Village Streambank Stabilization — $156,280
Westmoreland County Conservation District
Mount Pleasant YMCA Basin/Stormwater Retrofit — $186,505
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
Shannon Run Stream Restoration Project — $122,166
The full list of approved Growing Greener Plus projects, funded by the Environmental Stewardship fund, in Northcentral Pennsylvania includes:
Bradford County:
Bradford County Conservation District
Tomjack Creek Watershed Rehabilitation — $350,000
Bradford County Commissioners
Bradford County Watershed Initiative 2024 — $228,000
Cambria County:
Cambria County Commissioners
Cambria County Bay Watershed Sediment and Nutrient Reduction Projects — $242,000
Centre County:
Spring Creek Chapter Trout Unlimited
Watershed Restoration Slab Cabin Run in Millbrook Marsh — $211,341
Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Bald Eagle Creek Watershed Restoration — $108,365
Clearfield County:
Clearfield County Conservation District
Clearfield Countywide Nutrient and Sediment Reduction BMP Installation — $122,842
Clearfield County Conservation District
Western Pennsylvania Agriculture Technical Assistance Program — $282,500
Clinton County:
Trout Unlimited, Inc.
Streambank Stabilization, Riparian Planting, and Habitat Improvement in the Kettle Creek Watershed — $85,000
Clinton County Conservation District
Clinton County Wetland Expansion Project — $45,000
Columbia County:
Columbia County Conservation District
Cover Crop Custom Crimping Program 2024-2026 — $24,000
Lycoming County:
Lycoming County Conservation District
Cover Crops and Soil Health 2023 — $90,000
Snyder County:
Snyder County Conservation District
Snyder County Buffer Grant — $100,000
Snyder County Conservation District
Snyder County Poultry Manure Storage Block Grant — $12,000
Chesapeake Conservancy, Inc.
Rapid Stream Delisting Implementation in Central Pennsylvania — $269,972
Multi-County Projects:
Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy
Northcentral Stream Improvement — $450,000
The full list of approved Growing Greener Plus projects, funded by the Environmental Stewardship fund, in Northeast Pennsylvania includes:
Lehigh County:
Wildlands Conservancy, Inc.
Laurel Run Stream Restoration — $200,000
Lehigh, Carbon, Bucks, Monroe, Philadelphia & Northampton County:
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary
Expansion of Delaware River Innovation Partnership for Water Quality Improvement in Delaware River — $149,802
Monroe County:
Monroe County Conservation District
Brown Farm: Agricultural Resource Improvement Project — $407,599
Northampton County:
Wildlands Conservancy
Dam Removal and Stream Restoration on the Bushkill Creek in Northampton County - Site #4 — $175,000
Bushkill Creek Restoration at Binney and Smith Preserve — $120,000
The full list of approved Act 167 Stormwater Management Planning Grants, funded by the COVID- American Rescue Plan Act, in Northeast Pennsylvania includes:
Lehigh & Northampton County:
Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
Lehigh Valley Watershed Assessment - Act 167 Update — $30,000
The full list of approved Growing Greener Plus projects, funded by the Environmental Stewardship fund, in Northwestern Pennsylvania includes:
Erie County:
Gannon University
Implementation of Stormwater BMPs on Gannon University’s Urban Campus — $308,098
Indiana County:
Borough of Indiana
Marsh Run Streambank Stabilization — $364,225
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
Crooked Creek Stream Restoration Project — $71,639
McKean County:
McKean County Conservation District
Long Branch Restoration Project — $346,821
Venango County:
Venango Conservation District
Middle Allegheny Agricultural BMPs — $380,873
Warren County:
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
Browns Run Protection Project — $89,000
Statewide Projects:
Pocono Northeast Resource Conservation Development Council
Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watersheds (XI) — $400,000
Stream Restoration, Inc.
Passive Treatment Operation and Maintenance Technical Assistance 6 — $352,583
Stream Restoration, Inc.
Datashed 5 — $268,432
Additional Resources
- 2024 Pennsylvania Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report
- 2024 Integrated Report Viewer
- Chesapeake Bay Watershed Restoration Division
- Watershed Support Section
- NRCS PA Field Office Technical Guide
- Conservation Groups
- Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Rivers Conservation Registry
- Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Habitat Improvement
- Pennsylvania Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual
- Pennsylvania's NPS Management Program Update
- Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) and Advanced Restoration Plans
- NPS Watershed Implementation Plans (WIP)
- Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters
- Pennsylvania Clean Water Academy
- Model My Watershed
- Governor's Center for Local Government Services
- Bureau of District Mining Operations
- Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation
- Environmental Good Samaritan Act
- Guidelines for Natural Stream Channel Design for Pennsylvania Waterways. Keystone Stream Team, March 2007
- USDA NRCS National Engineering Handbook
- A Handbook for Constructed Wetlands, Volume 4, Coalmine Drainage
Contact Us
For general questions, call the Grants Office at (717) 705-5400.