Documents may be uploaded through the DEP Public Upload with Payment system. Instructions (PDF)
AST Applications and Forms
- Aboveground Storage Tank Inspection Summary (2630-FM-BECB0150) is comprised of instructions and fill-in-form in both Word and PDF format.
- Aboveground Storage Tank Modification Inspection Summary (2630-FM-BECB0601) is comprised of instructions and fill-in-form in both Word and PDF format.
- Aboveground Storage Tank Lining Inspection Summary (2630-FM-BECB0014) (Word and PDF)
- Sample Monthly Maintenance Operation Checklist form (2630-FM-BECB0170) for owners of small aboveground storage tanks (ASTs). (Word and PDF)
- Aboveground Storage Tank Modification Report (2630-FM-BECB0151) consists of instructions and fill-in-form in both Word and PDF format.
- Notification of Release - Notification of Contamination Form (2630-FM-BECB0082) is available in Word and PDF formats.
- Storage Tank System Closure Report for aboveground tanks is comprised of the following documents:
- Planning for Permanent Closure Checklist (2630-FM-BECB0512) (Word and PDF)
- Closure Notification (2630-FM-BECB0513) (Word and PDF)
- Aboveground Storage Tank System Closure Report Form (2630-FM-BECB0514) (Word and PDF)
- Site Assessment Sampling Requirements at Regulated Storage Tank System Closures (PDF). This document contains the recommended containers for sampling, test parameters for soil and water samples, and action levels for confirmatory samples.
Certification Applications
- Company Certification Application (2630-PM-BECB0510) Package is comprised of instructions and application. (Word and PDF)
- Installer and Inspector Certification Application package (2630-PM-BECB0506) is comprised of instructions, application form, Attachment A instructions, Attachment A (Total Experience and Qualification), Certified Installer & Inspector Categories Minimum Experience and Education Qualifications, and Amendment documents. (Word and PDF)
- Storage Tank Training Course Approval Application form (2630-PM-BECB0402) consists of instructions and application form. (Word and PDF)
Permitting Applications
- General Information Form (GIF) (4700-PM-CEE0001): Consists of instructions, check list, GIF form, NAICS codes, locational data codes, and an Appendix for Authorization/Applications types affected by Land Use Policy.
- Registration/Permitting of Storage Tanks package (2630-PM-BECB0514) is comprised of instructions, registration (Adobe and Word fill-in-form formats), client types codes, location data codes, North American Industry Classification Codes (NAICS) and Site-to-Client relationship codes. (Word and PDF) Visit our ePermitting page for information on registration submittal through the DEP ePermitting application.
- Registration Amendment Form (2630-FM-BECB0607) is comprised of instructions and fill-in-form in Word or PDF format. Visit our ePermitting page for information on registration submittal through the DEP ePermitting application.
- Site Specific Installation Permit (2630-PM-BECB0002) package is comprised of the application, instructions, and completeness review checklist. (Word and PDF)
Registration Applications
- Registration/Permitting of Storage Tanks package (2630-PM-BECB0514) is comprised of instructions, registration (Adobe and Word fill-in-form formats), client types codes, location data codes, North American Industry Classification Codes (NAICS) and Site-to-Client relationship codes. (Word and PDF) Visit our ePermitting page for information on registration submittal through the DEP ePermitting application.
- Registration Amendment Form (2630-FM-BECB0607) is comprised of instructions and fill-in-form in Word or PDF format.
The Underground Storage Tank Operator Training Documentation Form (2630-PM-BECB0514a) (Word and PDF), along with copies of the Class A and B Operators' training certificates, are required to be submitted with Storage Tank Registration/Permitting Application Forms in the following situations:
- Change of Ownership of a UST facility
- Changing the status of a UST from "T" - Temporarily Out of Use to "C" - Currently in Use
- Adding a UST to an existing facility
- Registering a new UST facility
Installation of a new storage tank system, or conversion of an existing storage tank system, to store alternative fuels or fuel blends may require submittal of the Alternative Fuel Storage Tank Installation/Conversion Form. This form is used to ensure compatibility of tank system components with gasoline blends containing greater than 10 percent alternative fuel and biodiesel blended fuels containing greater than 5 percent biodiesel.
Underground storage tank installers requiring product delivery, in order to provide ballast or when needed for testing purposes, may use the New Installation Product Fill Authorization form. Please read the form carefully.
UST Applications and Forms
- Pollution Prevention Reimbursement Grant Package (aka "Pump & Plug Program") application (2630-FM-BECB0370) (Word and PDF). Please note the IRS W-9 form may not be the latest edition. The following links to the IRS W-9 (PDF) and its instructions (PDF) have been provided for your convenience.
- Underground Storage Tank Modification Report (2630-FM-BECB0575) (Word and PDF). Instructions are also available.
- Notification of Release - Notification of Contamination Form (2630-FM-BECB0082) (PDF and Word)
- Storage Tank System Closure Report for underground tanks is comprised by the following documents:
- Planning for Permanent Closure Checklist (2630-FM-BECB0126) (Word and PDF). Checklist for planning permanent closure.
- Notification of Release - Notification of Contamination Form (2630-FM-BECB0082) (Word and PDF). Notification form for releases and suspected or confirmed contamination.
- Underground Storage Tank System Installation/Closure Notification Form (2630-FM-BECB0127) (Word and PDF). This form must be received by the DEP regional office at least 30 days prior to starting applicable tank handling, installation, or closure activities.
- Underground Storage Tank System Closure Report Form (2630-FM-BECB0159) (Word and PDF)
- Site Assessment Sampling Requirements at Regulated Storage Tank System Closures (PDF). This document contains the recommended containers for sampling, test parameters for soil and water samples, and action levels for confirmatory samples.
- UST Facility Inspection forms
- Facility Operations Inspection Form (2630-FM-BECB0501a) (Word and PDF)
- Storage Tank Facility Site Drawing (2630-FM-BECB0027) (Word and PDF)
- UST Cathodic Protection Evaluation Form (2630-FM-BECB0610) (Word and PDF)
- UST Periodic Testing forms
- Underground Storage Tank Testing Certification Form (2630-FM-BECB0028) (Word and PDF)
- Underground Storage Tank Spill Prevention Equipment/Containment Sump Integrity Testing Form (2630-FM-BECB0016) (Word and PDF)
- Underground Storage Tank Automatic Tank Gauge Functionality Testing Form (2630-FM-BECB0015) (Word and PDF)
- Underground Storage Tank Sensor Functionality Testing Form (2630-FM-BECB0020) (Word and PDF)
- Underground Storage Tank Overfill Prevention Evaluation Form (2630-FM-BECB0018) (Word and PDF)
- Underground Storage Tank Automatic Line Leak Detector Functionality Testing Form (2630-FM-BECB0021) (Word and PDF)
- Underground Storage Tank Pressure/Vacuum Monitoring Functionality Testing Form (2630-FM-BECB0017) (Word and PDF)
- Underground Storage Tank Groundwater/Vapor Monitoring System Functionality Testing Form (2630-FM-BECB0019) (Word and PDF)
- Sample Periodic Operation and Maintenance Walkthrough Inspection Checklist for USTs (2630-FM-BECB0611) (Word and PDF)
2018 Revisions to Pennsylvania's Storage Tank Regulations
About Storage Tanks
Storage Tank ePermitting
Storage Tank Data / Searches
Fact Sheets
Technical Guidance Documents
Aboveground Storage Tanks
Underground Storage Tanks
Register a Storage Tank
Storage Tank Permitting
Installer and Inspector Certification
Report Closure of Storage Tank System
Storage Tank Delivery Prohibition
Financial Assistance
Pollution Prevention Grant
Storage Tank Advisory Committee
Storage Tanks