Electronic Reporting/RFC Online - Facilities are encouraged to use DEP GreenPort for reports. This platform allows electronic submissions.
For issues with the online application or DEP GreenPort, contact the DEP Help Desk at (717) 705-3768.
Paper Reporting - Facilities can use specific forms for reports and fees.
Municipal Waste Fee and Report Forms - Required quarterly. Includes:
$2/ton Recycling Fee (Act 101 of 1988)
$4/ton Disposal Fee (Act 90 of 2002)
$0.25/ton Environmental Stewardship Fee (Act 68 of 1999)
2560-FM-BWM0160 - Host Municipality Benefit Fee Report. Required quarterly.
2560-FM-LRWM0168D and 2560-FM-LRWM0168DW - Fee Waiver Report Forms for disaster debris and cleanup waste.
Submit forms to:
DEP, Bureau of Waste Management
Division of Reporting and Fee Collection
P.O. Box 8550
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8550