Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) are reports that contain self-monitoring results for wastewater required by National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits and some Water Quality Management (WQM) permits.
These reports are completed and submitted periodically to DEP and other agencies (typically monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually). DMRs may be submitted on paper to DEP regional offices or electronically through DEP’s eDMR system.
Additional resources:
- DMR FAQ document (PDF)
How to report wastewater discharge
DMRs must be submitted by any facility that has been issued an NPDES permit that requires sampling and monitoring (typically sewage treatment plants and industrial facilities with a wastewater or storm water discharge to surface waters). DMRs may also be required for WQM permits with land application of effluent.
DMRs may be submitted on paper to DEP regional offices or electronically through DEP’s eDMR system.
NPDES permits frequently require additional information, i.e., supplemental reports, to be attached to DMRs. DEP has established guidance on the preparation of DMRs, including:
New DMR FAQ document: This document provides answers to frequently asked questions about discharge monitoring reports.
Those interested in reviewing DMR data for specific facilities may arrange a file review at DEP's regional offices or check DEP’s eDMR Data Report (if the facility is using the eDMR system).
DMR Supplemental Reports
To open and save the Supplemental Forms to your computer, click on the links. If using the Edge browser, choose Download File. Previewing instead of downloading may cause the Supplemental Forms to display incorrectly.
Supplemental Forms should be completed and attached to eDMR or DMR submissions.
Daily Effluent Monitoring Form (Excel)
This form is used to document all effluent monitoring results for a monthly reporting period, and includes all DEP-approved calculations. Enter daily results and the statistical values will be computed for entry into DMR reports. Up to 15 parameters per discharge point (outfall) can be entered into one spreadsheet.
An expanded version of the Daily Effluent Monitoring spreadsheet (Excel) is available that provides up to 30 parameters for one outfall.
A version of the Daily Effluent Monitoring spreadsheet that provides 90 parameters for three outfalls (Excel) is also available.
A version of the Daily Effluent Monitoring spreadsheet without frozen panes (Excel) is available.
Annual Chesapeake Bay Spreadsheet V2.2 (Excel)
(Version 2.2, 10/15/20)
DEP has developed an Annual Chesapeake Bay Spreadsheet V2.2 (Excel) for dischargers with cap loads to use to calculate annual loads and report nutrient trading activities. This spreadsheet should be used starting October 1, 2018, and replaces all Chesapeake Bay supplemental reports.
Wastewater Treatment Plants that are buying and/or selling credits must use the current Annual Chesapeake Bay Spreadsheet V2.2 (Excel) (Annual Nutrient Monitoring) to ensure accurate accounting.
The spreadsheet includes macros that must be enabled prior to use and is designed for Microsoft Excel 2007 or later. The spreadsheet includes instructions, but supplemental instructions (PDF) are also available.
Influent and Process Control Form (Excel)
This form is used to report daily results of influent and process control measurements. For municipal sewage facilities, it is used in part for DEP assessments of facility operation and performance under Chapter 94.
Hauled In Municipal Wastes Form (Excel)
Use this form to report municipal wastes received from outside sources, such as septage, sewage sludge and other wastewaters.
Sewage Sludge/Biosolids Production and Disposal Form (Excel)
This form is used to report sewage sludge and biosolids removal events for off-site or on-site use or disposal.
Chemical Additives Usage Form (Excel)
This form is used to document usage of chemical additives at facilities, typically not associated with wastewater treatment.
Non-Compliance Reporting Form
Use this form to document all permit violations and incidents that threaten health or the environment for compliance with the written reporting requirements of the permit and Chapter 91. Use attachments for further explanation as necessary.
CSO Monthly Summary Report Form and CSO Detailed Report Form (Excel)
Use this form to document the inspection of Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) outfalls. Note that the Excel file includes two forms, 3800-FM-BPNPSM0441 and BPNPSM0442.
Groundwater Monitoring Data Report Form (Excel)
This form is used when permits require groundwater monitoring of spray irrigation sites, impoundments, or other facilities (generally WQM permits but may also be NPDES permits).
TMDL Load Annual Summary Form (Excel)
This form is used to summarize monthly and annual loads where annual load reporting is required by the permit due to a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) limitation.
Land Application Systems Form (Excel)
Use this form to report wastewater management activities related to land application systems under Water Quality Management (WQM) permits.
Hauled In Residual Wastes Form (Excel)
This form is used by facilities to document receipt of residual wastes such as food processing wastes, leachates and wastewater from oil and gas operations.
Planned Changes to Wastestream Form
This form is used for providing notification of proposed new or increased pollutant loadings to treatment facilities.
Surface Water Monitoring Data Report Form (Excel)
Use this form to report results from surface water monitoring activities, where required by the permit.
Cooling Water Intake Monitoring Form (Excel)
This form is used to document withdrawals of surface water by cooling water intake structures and use of cooling water at facilities.
Lab Accreditation Form
This form, which documents laboratories and analytical methods used by a facility's monitoring program, must be completed once following receipt of your permit. You will not need to submit this form again during the remainder of the permit term unless there is a change in laboratory or method.
Discharge Monitoring Report (3800-FM-BPNPSM0462)
DEP's official DMR template.
New DMR FAQ document
This document provides answers to frequently asked questions about discharge monitoring reports.
Industrial Stormwater Annual Report Form
This form is used by individual permittees to report stormwater inspections and additional information, where required by the permit. Permittees with PAG-03 coverage should use the PAG-03 Annual Report Form (3850-PM-BCW0083h)