department of environmental protection

Submit Annual Emission Statement (AES) Reports

Each year, the Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ) reviews about 1,800 Annual Emission Statement (AES) reports. These reports detail operating schedules, production levels, and emission estimates needed to assess air pollution from industrial sources. They're due every March 1.

Facilities in Allegheny County no longer use the GreenPort website to report annual emissions. Now, they should visit the Regulated Entities Portal on the Health Department's site to report emissions for 2021 and beyond. Allegheny County Point Source Emission Inventories for 2021 and after can be located here.


The Department receives emissions data from certain sources as required by 25 Pa. Code § 135.3. DEP staff regularly check this data for accuracy and consistency. However, the data may change. The DEP is not responsible for any mistakes or missing information in the data ans guarantees nothing about it.

As per unconventional natural gas activities, operators must report well and processing data. "Unconventional" gas, as defined by Act 13 of 2012, comes from specific formations. For traditional gas or coal bed methane activities, only processing data and emissions estimates are needed. The DEP does not require emissions data from traditional well activities.

Additional resources:

Fees and online reporting

As per 127.705(e), the 2023 emissions fee is $110.41/ton of "regulated pollutant" as defined in 127.705(d).

There are two ways you can report online. To use either option, you must have an account on the Departments' GreenPort website. If you don't already, please download the form below, complete it, and mail or fax it to the address on the form. You can also email it to the contact below.

Registration Form (PDF, Word)

Contact: Jordan McGregor
Division of Air Information
717-772-3426 phone
717-772-2303 fax

AES*Online is a secure platform launched in 2004 for entering, validating, and reporting emissions data. It features automatic validation, error checking, document attachments, notes, online help, a printable manual, and a secure submission process. Data is checked for completeness, and users receive immediate feedback. Use AES*Online if your facility has internet and a computer, and if you manually collect or keep emissions data on paper. It's suitable for all facilities, regardless of emissions inventory size.

Introductory Presentation (PDF)

AES*XML is a secure website launched in 2005 for automated emissions reporting. It uses XML format and offers features like data validation, error checking, and online help. Users need to format their data according to BAQ's XML specifications. The system then creates an .xml file automatically. Users can upload this file to AESXML, where it gets validated and sent to DEP.

To use AES*XML, a facility needs a computer with internet access and emissions data in a database or spreadsheet. It's especially beneficial for larger facilities with automated data collection. However, any facility can join. Users must format their data to DEP's XML standards for automatic .xml file creation.