department of environmental protection

Apply for Water Quality Management (WQM) Permits

DEP now accepts permit applications and fees online via the Public Upload platform. If an application or NOI fee is required, it must be paid online. For details, see DEP’s instructions for public upload for NPDES permit applications. 

WQM Permits

To WQM Permittees who have not completed construction activities.

On November 29, 2022, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced in the *Federal Register* that it was reclassifying the Northern Long-eared Bat (*Myotis septentrionalis*) as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This classification took effect on March 31, 2023.

Any permit holder who hasn't finished their project must follow new rules for the Northern Long-eared Bat, which is now endangered.

Permit holders who haven't finished their projects should conduct a fresh PNDI search in their project area using the PNDI tool. Then, they must follow the guidance from the PNDI screening or the USFWS. To update PNDI Receipts, they can use the Update Receipt function.

The following procedure is recommended:

  1. Pause all construction activities.
  2. Conduct a new/updated PNDI screening.
  3. If no impacts are identified or if work is consistent with screening, recommence construction activities.
  4. If impacts are identified, avoidance measures listed on the PNDI receipt should be followed.
  5. If PNDI requires further consultation with USFWS, contact the appropriate USFWS office.
  6. If the permittee cannot comply with avoidance measures or if the permittee believes that the avoidance measures are outside the ESA scope of analysis, contact the appropriate USFWS office.

Recommencing construction activities without complying with the avoidance measures or receiving authorization from the appropriate USFWS office is not recommended.

Water Quality Management (WQM) permits are also issued by Regional Clean Water programs under Pennsylvania's Clean Streams Law for discharges to groundwater and for the construction of sewage and IW treatment facilities, sewage collection systems and pump stations, and manure storage facilities. DEP's Central Office has also issued two General WQM permits that applicants may qualify for to streamline the permitting process. DEP also issues a joint permit with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission for the application of algicides, herbicides and fish control chemicals. Links to WQM permit application forms are listed below.

Many NPDES and WQM permit applications also require the completion of the DEP-wide General Information Form (GIF), which can be accessed through the link below.

    To terminate NPDES permit coverage, use the Notice of Termination Form. This applies to both individual and general permits under Chapter 92a.

    Find NPDES and WQM permitted facilities in DEP's Permitted Facilities Report. For details, refer to the instructions.

    Most individual sewage, industrial waste, and stormwater NPDES permits from DEP are online. Check the Final Issued Individual NPDES Permit Documents Report for a list of these permits. It includes links to PDF documents. Not all permits may appear, and online documents are not substitutes for official copies at DEP offices. For guidance, see the Instructions for Using the Report.

    Contact us

    For more information you may email DEP’s Division of NPDES Permitting.