Apply for Minority, Woman- or Veteran-Owned Business Verification Status

Complete the process below in order to apply for minority, woman or veteran-owned business verification status.


​HSV will assist those minority, woman, and veteran-owned businesses that are too large and do not meet the requirements to apply for Small Diverse Business verification.

Although not accepted within the Commonwealth’s contracting processes, HSV allows the Commonwealth to formally recognize eligible businesses so that they may pursue Minority, Woman, and/or Veteran Business Enterprise certification through other states’ programs or other national programs.

How to apply

There is a multi-step process to apply for minority, woman, or veteran-owned business verification status.

Eligible businesses must hold certifications as diverse businesses with one of the Department’s approved third-party certification entities:

​To register as a vendor visit the PA Supplier Portal and click on Suppler Registration.

Not sure if your company is registered? Don't know your registration number?

Call toll free: (877) 435-7363, or email

Proceed to Step 2 if you already have a PA Vendor Number. NOTICE: Click here for Special Notice on Windows 10 Known Compatibility Issues with PA Supplier Portal.

​To access the small business application and begin the certification process:

  1. Go to the PA Supplier Portal and click "Supplier Logon" (call 877-435-7363, option 1, if you do not have you Log-in information).
  2. Enter your user name and password.
  3. Click "Bidder" Tab > " Enterprise Applications" > "Home State Verification Program" (contact the Supplier Service Center at (877) 435-7363, option 1, if the Enterprise Applications portal page appears blank).

View the Home State Verification Guide for more detailed step-by-step instructions.

Once BDISBO has received and verified all information, the applicant business will be included in the online database.

Contact us

​Bureau of Diversity, Inclusion & Small Business Opportunities
Room 601 North Office Building
401 North Street
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0500
(717) 783-3119
(717) 787-7052 Fax

General Email
Home-State Verification Questions