If you have a personnel complaint about anyone working for the Capitol Police, you can use this process to submit a complaint.
Additional resources:
How to submit a personnel complaint to the Capitol Police
1. Fill out and complete the Personnel Complaint Form, GSPS-85.
2. Call the PA State Capitol Police Department's Office of Professional Responsibility at 717-346-9733. The voice is available 24/7. They will call you back as soon as possible. Let them know you are formally submitting a complaint.
3. An assigned investigator will content you. They will schedule an interview with you. Bring your completed complaint form to the interview. You will need to sign the form in the presence of the investigator. Or you can have the have the form notarized and sent to:
The Office of Professional Resposibility
Suite 70E
Capitol East Wing
Harrisburg, PA 17125
Please note, the investigative process takes time. The investigator will contact you periodically to update you on the investigation. You will also be given the investigator's contact information should you have any additional questions or concerns.
At the end of the investigation, you will get a letter that explains the results of the investigation.