Eligibility for the State Blind Pension program
Eligibility will be determined by your local county assistance office (CAO).
Basic eligibility requirements include but aren't limited to:
- Your eyesight in your better eye with corrective lens must not exceed 3/60 or 10/200.
- The combined value of your real and personal property may not exceed $7,500.
- Your annual net income, including the Blind Pension payment, may not exceed $4,260.
- You must be a resident of Pennsylvania.
- You must be at least 21 years old.
Other benefits
You can apply for other benefits using downloadable applications, or by going to the COMPASS web site, which is the online application resource for cash assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program (SNAP), child care, health care coverage, home heating assistance (LIHEAP), school meals, SelectPlan for Women and long-term living services.