Report Abuse of an Adult with a Disability

If you suspect abuse of an adult ages 18-59 living with a disability, please report it through the statewide abuse hotline. 


The Adult Protective Services (APS) program works to detect, prevent, reduce, and eliminate abuse, neglect, exploitation, and abandonment of adults in need.

The Adult Protective Services Law (Act 70 of 2010) was enacted to protect adults between the ages of 18 and 59 living with a physical or intellectual disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

Statewide Abuse Hotline

The statewide abuse hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-800-490-8505.

If you suspect abuse or neglect, you can make a report on behalf of the adult whether they live in their home or in a facility such as, but not limited to: a nursing facility, group home, personal care home, or hospital.

Reporters can remain anonymous and have legal protection from retaliation, discrimination, and civil and criminal prosecution. 

Common Signs of Abuse

  • Bruises or broken bones
  • Weight loss
  • Memory loss
  • Personality changes
  • Social isolation
  • Changes in banking habits
  • Giving away assets such as money, property, etc.

Mandatory Reporting

A mandatory reporter is an employee or administrator of a facility who has reasonable cause to suspect that a recipient is a victim of abuse or neglect.

If facility employees suspect abuse, they will make an oral report to the local adult protective services agency.

Mandatory Reporting Training

A free online mandatory abuse reporting training course is offered to providers, employees, and administrators of facilities by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging (PDA) and supported by the Department of Human Services (DHS). Although the training is intended for mandated reporters, anyone interested in protecting adults and older adults from abuse can take the training. This training provides an overview of the mandatory abuse reporting provisions of the Adult and Older Adult Protective Services Acts.

The training is available to providers, employees, and administrators of long-term care facilities, personal care homes, home health care agencies, adult day centers, domiciliary care residences, and collaborative partners. The training takes approximately 30 minutes and includes knowledge checks throughout to ensure that participants understand the information. A printable certificate recognizing the successful completion of the training module is available. This training module will also help to ensure that facilities are compliant with licensure requirements.

To Get Started:

  • Individuals with a Pennsylvania Department of Aging (PDA) Learning Management System (LMS) training account: Visit the PDA LMS Login Page and, once logged in, click the link or navigate the path below.
    • Course Catalog > Protective Services > PS Mandatory Abuse Reporting Training Course
    • NOTE: To complete the training, you must have the "Protective Services" training category selected for your Course Catalog. If you do not see the "Protective Services" training category within your Course Catalog offerings, click the link located at the top of your Course Catalog page marked "CLICK HERE" and enable the "Protective Services" category for your Course Catalog.
  • Individuals who do not have an existing PDA LMS training account: Register for a PDA LMS 'guest' account. A guest account offers direct access to the "Mandatory Abuse Reporting Training" course. Once registered for a guest account, you can complete the training and earn a certificate of completion.


A green check mark in the "Status" column of all modules indicates successful completion of the course. Once you successfully complete the course, you can access a certificate of completion at the top of the course page or under the "Certificates" button located within the menu on the left side of your training account page.

Need Assistance?

Reporting Abuse

Additional Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the statewide reporting hotline is designed to take reports for any adult, regardless of age. 

To contact a specific investigator, call Liberty Healthcare at 1-888-243-6561.

No, a report of suspected abuse and/or neglect must be called into the statewide abuse hotline at 1-800-490-8505. Once this report is made, the additional reporting requirement for one of the four serious allegations is to also contact the Department of Human Services (717-265-7887 and selecting Option 3) and fax (484-434-1590) or email ( the form to Liberty Healthcare, the current Adult Protective Services contractor, within 48 hours.

More Information

The following phone numbers are for INFORMATION ONLY. They should not be used to report abuse or neglect.

More Information: Ages 18-59

If you have questions about the adult protective service law, mandatory reporting or protective services, please contact the adult protective services division.

Call Adult Protective Services

More Information: Ages 60 +

Pennsylvania Department of Aging oversees the Older Adults Protective Services Act for individuals ages 60 and over.

Call PA Department of Aging