Apply for State Workers' Insurance Fund (SWIF) Coverage

The Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act requires businesses in the Commonwealth to buy workers' compensation insurance.

About the State Workers Insurance Fund

For some smaller companies, the costs of insurance may be challenging. To address this, the Commonwealth established the State Workers' Insurance Fund (SWIF) to ensure all businesses comply.

Workers' Compensation and Benefits

Pennsylvania employers are required to have workers' compensation insurance according to state laws. Failure to comply can lead to lawsuits and criminal prosecution, with potential fines or imprisonment.

Coverage begins for the employer the day after SWIF receives a completed application and premium check. Workers' compensation insurance provides:

  • Wage-loss and medical benefits for employees injured or affected by employment-related conditions, regardless of their previous health or fault.
  • Expedited and fairer payment of benefits
  • Medical care
  • Faster return of injured workers to the workforce based on their abilities

Additionally, the amendments expand safety measures and programs while strengthening anti-fraud enforcement.

If you're an employee with a work-related injury, SWIF covers reasonable and necessary medical expenses.

Businesses in Pennsylvania can get workers' compensation coverage through:

  1. Purchase from an agent or broker.
  2. Buy directly from private insurance carriers who write workers' compensation policies. The Consumer Guide to Workers' Compensation Insurance is on the PA Dept. of Insurance website.
  3. Apply for self-insurance or join a certified group fund. Employers may abe eligible for joining a certified group self-insurance fund, if one operates covering their type of business. For information on individual or group self-insurance, contact the Bureau's Self-Insurance Division at 717-783-4476.
  4. Obtain coverage from the State Workers' Insurance Fund (SWIF), which is mandated to provide coverage, especially for new businesses. Online application is available.

For Workers’ Compensation coverage, send a signed application, payment, and required forms (Voluntary Election of Coverage (SWIF-51) or LIBC 509 & 513) to SWIF by mail.

Please email for any general questions regarding SWIF. Our teams are remotely working as quickly as possible to process work.


Apply for State Workers' Insurance Fund (SWIF) Coverage

To apply for Workers’ Compensation coverage, complete and sign a physical application with payment to SWIF by mail. Please ensure that you include any other required forms, such as Voluntary Election of Coverage or LIBC 509 & 513 forms for officer exclusion. The application can be downloaded via Application for Workers' Compensation Coverage form (SWIF-429).

Apply now

Application for Workers' Compensation Coverage Form (SWIF-429)

Application for Executive Officer Exemption (LIBC-509)

Executive Officer's Declaration

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about SWIF. More information on SWIF can be found here.


A PPO is a Preferred Provider Organization, it is a list or "panel" of designated health care providers specializing in workers' compensation by providing goal oriented medical treatment from board certified physicians that will facilitate a prompt recovery and a successful return to work.

The Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act gives employers the right to establish a panel of designated health care providers, when properly posted in the workplace and acknowledged by all employees, injured workers must seek treatment for their work related injuries with one of the designated providers for 90 days from the date of the first visit.

​Yes, administered through KeyScripts.

Contact KeyScripts at 1-866-446-2848 with questions, or to locate the KeyScripts Network pharmacy nearest you.

Injured workers with compensable claims will automatically receive a pharmacy card listing the 4 closest pharmacies near your home.

An Officer Exemption Form is a notice of rejection for Workers' Compensation coverage. When an Officer of a Corporation elects not to be covered by Workers' Compensation, they complete an "Application for Executive Officer Exemption Form" (LIBC 509) and an "Executive Officer Declaration Form" (LIBC 513). An Officer Exemption Form is only necessary for Corporations, since Sole Proprietors and Partners are automatically excluded from coverage.

These forms can also be obtained from SWIF or the Bureau of Workers' Compensation, 1171 S. Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104-2501; telephone (717) 787-3567.

Report any work-related injury to your employer immediately. Your employer will then report your injury to SWIF.

On all reported claims, you will be contacted by letter from SWIF assigning a # to your claim. If your injury causes you to lose work for seven days, you will be contacted by a SWIF Investigator working from the district office serving your geographic location.

Your benefits are based on your wages at the time of your injury.

All medical bills falling under the Workers' Compensation Act and applying to your accepted claim will be honored. 

​After your lost time claim is investigated and accepted, you should expect to receive a check within 10 working days.

To report suspected workers’ compensation insurance fraud against the State Workers’ Insurance Fund please contact SWIF FIGHTING FRAUD or call 570-941-1644. It is to our benefit to keep all calls confidential, but there may be times that we need additional contact information. If that is the case, please provide a phone number at which you can be reached.

Contact Us

Please use these resource accounts for correspondence and requests:

If you have any questions, feel free to email SWIF directly, or use one of the corresponding emails below for help.

For certificates

For changes to ownership

For cancellations or reinstatements

For broker changes, address changes, etc.

For loss runs

For changes to payroll, PCRB mods & merit ratings, alternate employers