Petition Requirements
This petition must be used exclusively for elevator appeal, variance or extension requests. All checks or money orders must be made payable to "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania."
A variance is an alternative approach to the strict safety standards and procedures outlined in the Uniform Construction Code (UCC).
When submitting a petition, make sure you include one copy each of the following documents:
- Elevator Safety Board Petition
- Elevator permit application and drawings
- Variance requests require an additional set of drawings for justification
Petitions are reviewed in the date in which they are received. If applicable, the petitioner may request an expedited review.
If a hearing is necessary, the Board will notify the petitioner in writing of the date, time and location of the hearing. Otherwise, the petition will be presented to the Board as a recommendation or direct action at a regularly scheduled meeting. After the Board renders a decision, an Elevator Safety Board Order is issued to the petitioner.
Fee Schedule
All fees paid to the Elevator Safety Board must be separate from any fees paid to the Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety's Elevator Division.
- Variance/Appeals/Extension of Time Request: $402.03 (per building)
- Expedited Review of petition: Additional $1,654.46 (per building)