About Rapid Response Services
Rapid Response Services (RRS) assists employers and workers alike. The loss of a job is a traumatic event for both parties. First and foremost, RRS will help employers ascertain whether jobs can be saved. Lay-off Aversion is an integral part of services that can be provided. In the event a lay-off cannot be averted, Rapid Response can aid the affected workers in navigating through the services and resources that will enable them to transition into new employment. Rapid Response Services are state and federally funded benefits available at no-cost to employers and workers, regardless of whether advanced notice is required under the WARN Act.
For businesses
L&I’s Rapid Response team provides a customizable approach to specific business needs as challenges occur. Employers can expect confidentiality concerning their business decisions and a quick response to their transition planning needs.
Rapid Response can help businesses at risk of closing to stay in business or to reduce the size of a layoff.
In the event of a closure or layoff, Rapid Response services include:
• Assistance conducting an orderly shutdown
• Information about government regulations and services
• Pre-layoff outplacement services that help workers shorten their transition time.
• Collaboration with local economic development organizations
• Assistance with the re-employment of dislocated workers
For workers
The Rapid Response team can meet with workers in their community to provide information about services before a layoff or closure occurs, including information on:
• Unemployment Compensation
• Health and pension benefits
• Job search activities and career counseling
• Education services
• Training programs
• Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
• Social services programs
• Community and economic development activities
• Emergency assistance
• Crisis counseling