Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

Apply for a Permit for Use of Explosives in Commonwealth Waters

A permit is required from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission for use of explosives in Commonwealth waters for engineering purposes per 30 PA. C.S. § 2906. 

Use of Explosives Permit Overview

It is a misdemeanor to alter or disturb any stream bed, fish habitat, water or watershed in any manner that might cause damage to, or loss of, fish or other aquatic life without the necessary permits. It is a misdemeanor to place any explosives in any waters within or on the boundaries of Pennsylvania without a permit.

Filling out the Permit

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission staff reviews all aspects of the use of explosives.

  • Complete all sections fully.
  • List details for each project site which is proposed to be impacted by explosives on page.
  • Send a completed paper application form and any supporting documents together with the fee of $60.00 for each perennial waterway that is proposed to be impacted to:

Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Division of Environmental Services
595 East Rolling Ridge Drive
Bellefonte, PA 16823

* If the permit is denied, the fee will be returned. Incomplete applications will be returned without action