Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

Submit a Comment about Fishing and Boating Regulations

The public is invited to submit comment about proposed fishing and boating regulations. The public comment period is at least 30 days and is established and posted as defined by Pennsylvania law.

Public Comment Guidance

As the Commonwealth agency given the authority to enforce The Fish and Boat Code (Title 30 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes), the agency publishes a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Pennsylvania Bulletin seeking comments, objections, or suggestions from the public.

Comments are accepted for at least 30 days.  After the public comment period, the Commission considers the proposed amendment on final rulemaking. If adopted on final rulemaking, the amendment becomes effective on the date of publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin or other date specified by the Commission.

Rules for Submitting Public Comment

Public Comment at Commission Meetings

  • The Commission will provide a brief public comment period at the beginning of each public meeting. The Commission ordinarily will accept public comments following its committee reports and prior to its consideration of the formal agenda. The Commission may limit comments to matters that are within the Commission’s jurisdiction that are not repetitive or duplicative of other comments. The Commission president or presiding officer will request members of the public wishing to comment to indicate prior to the start of the meeting that they wish to provide public comment. The Commission president or presiding officer will determine the appropriate time limit for individual comments and announce that limit prior to receiving any comments. If members of the public prepare a written statement, they will be asked to provide a copy to the designated staff person. Members of the public representing a specific organization will be requested to designate one spokesperson to present their collective comments.
  • The Commission ordinarily will not permit public comments during the course of its meetings when it considers agenda items or other matters before the Commission. The Commission president or other presiding officer may invite brief public comments on items other than regulatory actions when he determines that allowing the comments will be useful in the best interests of the Commission.

Public Comment at Commission Committee Meetings

The committee chair will provide a brief public comment period at the beginning of each committee meeting. The committee chair will determine an appropriate format for this period, including its length. The committee chair may limit comments to matters that are related to the charge of the committee that are not repetitive or duplicative of other comments.