1. Download the form
We highly recommend using a personal device to download and fill out the form. This helps ensure the security of your personal information.
2. Complete the form
After completing the form, you will be required to submit additional documentation with your application, including:
- A copy of your insurance card. (Photos may be attached).
- A denial letter from your health plan, known as a ‘Final Adverse Benefit Determination Letter’
- Information about your provider
- Any medical records or supporting materials that show why the service, treatment, or item should be covered
If your life or health is at serious risk:
You must include a Physician Certification Form to be considered for an expedited review process. This form is completed by your doctor and confirms that the service, treatment, or item is lifesaving.
Read more about the eligibility requirements for Independent External Reviews.
It is highly recommended that you submit your review request online or by e-mail or fax so it can be received by the Department and processed as quickly as possible.
3. Send the form
There are three ways to send your form to the PA Insurance Department.
Fax: 717-231-7960
Email: RA-IN-ExternalReview@pa.gov
Mail: Pennsylvania Insurance Department
Attn: Bureau of Managed Care
1311 Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17120