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Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

Make a Donation to the First Chance Trust Fund

If you are interested in donating to the First Chance Trust Fund, you can make a donation online or send a check to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. 


The First Chance Trust Fund helps students and programs in places where many students drop out of school, get arrested, or face high crime rates. The goal is to give at-risk youth better opportunities.

In May 2023, PCCD announced about $1.3 million in state funds to support the First Chance Trust Fund. This money is for specific areas identified in the Letter of Intent (LOI)

The Fund gets money from contractors who work with the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC). This applies if their contracts are more than $5 million a year. These contractors must give 1% of their contract amount to the Fund. Other state agencies can also contribute to the Fund, and individuals can donate as well.

How to make a donation

You can make a donation to the First Chance Trust Fund two ways:

  1. Pay online: Click on the Payment Form in the Business Partner Portal. Choose Executive Offices for the right agency.

  2. Send a check: Write a check and make it out to "Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency" with "First Chance Trust Fund" in the memo line.

Contact us

If you have any other questions about the program, you can email RA-PCCDPressOffice@pa.gov. You can also sign up here to get email updates.