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Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

Submit a Death in Custody Report

If someone dies while in a state prison, local jail, or while being arrested, that death has to be reported to the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).


The Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2013 requires state administering agencies (PCCD) to report the deaths of persons in the custody of state prisons, local jails, and during the process of arrest to the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). 

A reportable death is defined as "the death of any person who is detained, under arrest, or is in the process of being arrested, is en route to be incarcerated, or is incarcerated at a municipal or county jail, State prison, State-run boot camp prison, boot camp prison that is contracted out by the State, any State or local contract facility, or other local or State correctional facility (including any juvenile facility)." Public Law No: 113-242 (12/18/2014).

Reporting and Deadlines

For each reportable death, agencies should complete the Death in Custody Reporting Act Form.

*Starting 4/1/2025, PCCD will only accept submissions through the new form and no longer accept emails with form attachments.


Reportable Death Occurring: Submit Form to PCCD by:
October 1 to December 31 January 15th
January 1 to March 31 April 15th
April 1 to June 30 July 15th
July 1 to September 30 October 15th
Questions about Death in Custody Reporting?

Contact Us

​If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to PCCD for assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The federal Death in Custody Reporting Act (DCRA) says that states must report all deaths that happen in state prisons, local jails, and during arrests. These deaths need to be reported to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD).

You must report any death that happens when a police officer is responding to a call or when a person’s freedom to leave was limited by a police officer before, during, or after an arrest, no matter how the person died.

​Report all deaths to PCCD. 

The agency that has the person in custody when they die must report the death to the PCCD. For example, if someone dies in a state prison, the prison must report it. If a person dies while in a police car after being arrested, the police department is responsible for making the report.

​A few examples of reportable deaths are:

  • Law enforcement is in pursuit of arresting or detaining an individual and the individual suffers a sudden death. (e.g., heart attack, hit by motor vehicle, drowns).
  • An individual (including juveniles) is being held in a jail or detention facility and dies from any cause.
  • Use of force by law enforcement.

The agency must fill out the BJA Death in Custody Reporting Form. PCCD collects information about all deaths in custody in Pennsylvania and sends these reports to BJA every three months.

​Agencies are encouraged to report deaths in custody soon after each incident, but are required to submit on a quarterly basis:

  • October 1st – December 31st report due January 15th

  • January 1st – March 31st report due April 15th

  • April 1st – June 30th report due July 15th

  • July 1st – September 30th report due October 15th

​If there were no reportable deaths during a quarter, no action is needed.



Death in Custody Reporting Dashboard