Pennsylvania Game Commission

Purchase Seedlings and Wood Products from Howard Nursery

A selection of bare-root seedlings, raised at the nursery for wildlife food and cover, changes from year to year due to available seed, seedling germination, or growing conditions. Wildlife homes handcrafted in Centre County at the nursery for blue birds, bats, flying squirrels, barred owls, wood ducks, and bees. 

Howard Nursery

197 Nursery Road
Howard, PA 16841
View Map

Phone: (814) 355-4434
Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:00am - 3:30pm​

Public Seedling Sale cancelled for 2024-25

After committing seedling inventory to Game Commission projects, the Hunter Access Cooperator program and the Seedlings for Schools program, there is not enough surplus of seedlings to sell to the public. Surplus seedling sales are anticipated to resume in January 2026.

Seedlings for Schools 2024-25

Seedlings for Schools are being accepted, please order here!

Howard Nursery

Seedling​s For Schools Program

Seedlings for Schools is a partnership program of the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s Howard Nursery and the Wildlife for Everyone Foundation