Pennsylvania Game Commission

Request Help With Wildlife

All wildlife is protected, however certain nuisance animals can be removed if they are causing damage to crops, property or people.

For Immediate Assistance Contact our Centralized Dispatch Center

Submit a comment to report sick or injured wildlife

Having Issues with Wildlife?

Many wildlife species can cause conflicts under certain circumstances. Here are some resources to help resolve human-wildlife conflicts.


Living with Black Bears

BearWise is the black bear program you can trust for sound information and smart solutions that help homeowners, businesses and communities coexist with bears.

Find a Wildlife Rehabilitator

If you find an injured wild animal, you may contact one of the appropriate wildlife rehabilitators listed below.

6 Things you can do for Wildlife

Let Wildlife be Wild

Springtime means wildlife like rabbit kits, nestling songbirds, an​d deer fawns are born! If you spot newborn or young wildlife, please do not disturb them. While some young animals might appear to be abandoned, many wildlife parents will leave their young alone and hidden to avoid attracting predators, only coming back to nurse them a few times a day.

Nuisance Wildlife Control

As human populations continue to rise and move into traditional wildlife habitat, human/wildlife contact is becoming more prevalent. This section provides general information and techniques for Pennsylvanian property owners when wildlife becomes a problem.