Pennsylvania tax records are confidential and may be released only to the taxpayer or pursuant to a release signed by the taxpayer. However, taxpayers can access their tax records 24/7 via their online myPATH account. To do so, please visit mypath.pa.gov. If you currently do not have a myPATH account, you can quickly sign up by clicking on the link to create a new account.
Otherwise, requests for tax records will only be processed through the submission of a completed REV-467, Authorization for Release of Tax Records [PDF}. You can submit the completed REV-467 form to the Department using the following email address: ra-rvpa-rvdisclosure@pa.gov.
The REV-467 cannot be used to request inheritance tax records. Inheritance tax information should be obtained through the County Register of Wills office where the tax returns were filed.
IMPORTANT: Photo ID and acceptable authorization documentation must be submitted with requests (See instructions for the REV-467 specifics.)
NOTE: Please allow four to six weeks for a tax records request to be processed when using the REV-467.
Canadians and other foreign citizens are required to submit the REV-467 when requesting taxpayer records and cannot sign up for a myPATH account.