Health, Nutrition, Fitness and Mental Wellness

​​Meals and Food Assistance for Older Adults

The Department of Aging provides nutritious meals at Senior Community Centers and through home-delivered meal programs to Pennsylvanians aged 60 and older and their spouses. The Department also partners with its sister agencies to offer food assistance to eligible older adults.

Meals at Senior Community Centers

  • Meals are available at the over 500 Senior Community Centers throughout Pennsylvania.
  • Nutritious meals are available to individuals age 60 and older and their spouses.
  • Meals are usually served once a day around noon. 
  • Meals meet the needs of people who watch their diet because of heart disease or diabetes.
  • Meals are provided free of charge but consumers may choose to give a donation.
  • Call the center in your area to make a reservation or stop in to see what the center has to offer you.

In-Home Meals

  • Meals can be delivered to an eligible individual's home.
  • The individual or a family member is interviewed to determine eligibility.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

  • Eligible seniors can use these benefits to buy food at local grocery stores and supermarkets.
  • Seniors participating in the SNAP program are also eligible for monthly food boxes. 
  • Contact the SNAP helpline at 1-800-692-7462 to get started.

Pennsylvania Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program

  • This program provides low-income older adults with checks to buy fresh fruits and vegetables grown in Pennsylvania.
  • The age requirement is 60 years or older, and the senior must meet income eligibility guidelines.
  • Each eligible senior receives five $5.00 checks for a total benefit of $25.00 one-time during the program year. 
  • Checks are distributed annually between June 1 and September 30. The last day for redemption is November 30.
  • For more information or to locate participating markets, please visit the PA Department of Agriculture.

    Senior Food Box Program

The Pennsylvania Senior Food Box Program provides more than 39,000 low-income older Pennsylvanians (those at least 60 years of age) with a supplemental food package.

  • The age requirement is 60 year or older, and the senior must meet income eligibility guidelines.
  • Boxes are distributed monthly through 16 regional food banks and their local agencies throughout all 67 counties. 
  • Interested seniors should call at 800-468-2433 or email to be directed to a regional food bank.