Meals at Senior Community Centers
- Meals are available at the over 500 Senior Community Centers throughout Pennsylvania.
- Nutritious meals are available to individuals age 60 and older and their spouses.
- Meals are usually served once a day around noon.
- Meals meet the needs of people who watch their diet because of heart disease or diabetes.
- Meals are provided free of charge but consumers may choose to give a donation.
- Call the center in your area to make a reservation or stop in to see what the center has to offer you.
In-Home Meals
- Meals can be delivered to an eligible individual's home.
- The individual or a family member is interviewed to determine eligibility.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Eligible seniors can use these benefits to buy food at local grocery stores and supermarkets.
- Seniors participating in the SNAP program are also eligible for monthly food boxes.
- Contact the SNAP helpline at 1-800-692-7462 to get started.
Pennsylvania Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
- This program provides low-income older adults with checks to buy fresh fruits and vegetables grown in Pennsylvania.
- The age requirement is 60 years or older, and the senior must meet income eligibility guidelines.
- Each eligible senior receives five $5.00 checks for a total benefit of $25.00 one-time during the program year.
- Checks are distributed annually between June 1 and September 30. The last day for redemption is November 30.
- For more information or to locate participating markets, please visit the PA Department of Agriculture.
Senior Food Box Program
The Pennsylvania Senior Food Box Program provides more than 39,000 low-income older Pennsylvanians (those at least 60 years of age) with a supplemental food package.
- The age requirement is 60 year or older, and the senior must meet income eligibility guidelines.
- Boxes are distributed monthly through 16 regional food banks and their local agencies throughout all 67 counties.
- Interested seniors should call at 800-468-2433 or email to be directed to a regional food bank.