Monthly News Releases

The monthly news releases contain an analysis of the current economic conditions for Pennsylvania, its 18 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA), 16 Micropolitan Statistical Areas (mSA), as well as 16 Small Labor Market Areas (LMA). Included is information on labor force, employment and unemployment statistics. Also provided in the MSA, mSA and LMA releases is a count of non-agricultural wage and salary jobs by industry. Click on the area below to view your required news release.

Monthly News Release Dates

The monthly news release schedule provides a list of release dates and corresponding data reference months for state and local news releases.

September 2024

We have another related item of possible interest in conjunction to the press releases: the  Civilian Labor Force Data publication.

Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program

Contact the Labor & Industry Press Office with any questions at or (717) 787-7530