The Horace Mann Bond-Leslie Pinckney Hill Scholarship Program (Bond-Hill) provides financial assistance to highly qualified Pennsylvania students from Cheyney University of Pennsylvania (Cheyney) and Lincoln University (Lincoln) who pursue approved professional and graduate programs at the Pennsylvania state-related universities and universities in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE).

Originated in 1983, the scholarship is named in honor of two distinguished past presidents of Lincoln University and Cheyney University, Horace Mann Bond and Leslie Pinckney Hill, respectively.

The Bond-Hill scholarship program provides award recipients with tuition, tuition-related fees, and course materials for up to four years, or eight full-time semesters, of graduate or professional study, depending on the student's field of study and academic standing.

Students enrolled in professional graduate-level programs in doctoral or terminal degrees in architecture, dentistry, education, law, medicine and STEM-H (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Health Sciences) at partner universities receive priority funding. Based upon available funding, scholarships also may be awarded to students admitted to other approved professional and graduate programs at the partner universities.

Horace Mann Bond-Leslie Pinckney Hill Scholarship Program Scholarship Guidelines (PDF)

Bond-Hill Textbook Reimbursement Form (PDF)

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible students must:

  • Be a senior at Cheyney or Lincoln or be a graduate of a baccalaureate degree program at either university;
  • Be accepted as a student in an approved professional or graduate degree program at a Pennsylvania state-related university or PASSHE university;
  • Enroll in the program within five years of graduating from either university;
  • Be recommended by the Dean of the undergraduate institution;
  • Be a Pennsylvania resident, and remain a Pennsylvania resident during the entire term of the scholarship.
  • Be either a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident, legally authorized to work in the United States, or have Temporary Protected Status with work authorization.
  • Demonstrate high academic performance and maintain satisfactory progress; and
  • Submit a completed application packet to PDE via Cheyney or Lincoln.

Application Deadline

Application packets are reviewed on a rolling basis, contingent upon available funding. The student's undergraduate university is responsible for submitting the student's completed application packet to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). Students may not apply directly to PDE.

Scholarship Application for Cheyney University Students

Scholarship Application for Lincoln University Students


The number of scholarships awarded and renewed each year is contingent upon availability of program funding and the annual appropriation from the General Assembly. Award amounts vary according to the student's graduate program and graduate university.

Students may receive the scholarship for a maximum of four academic years (eight full-time semesters). Students must maintain satisfactory academic status, as defined by the graduate university, and make academic progress toward the professional degree, to have their awards renewed each year.

The Horace Mann Bond-Leslie Pinckney Hill Scholarship Program is administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA).

For additional information, please contact:
Office of Postsecondary & Higher Education
Division of Higher Education, Access, and Equity
Phone: 717-783-6786 |