About Us

Agency governance, divisions, contact information, regulations updates, partners, PFBC property, Angler & Boater Magazine and more.

Close-up of a flowing stream with PFBC Biologist sampling fish from the stream in the background.

Agency Overview

​​The mission of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is: to protect, conserve, and enhance the Commonwealth's aquatic resources and provide fishing and boating opportunities.

Agency Overview
PFBC logo over close-up of the water line of a bubbling stream


Commission, Advisory Board and Committee Meeting agendas, streaming information, public comment opportunities, previous meeting recordings, minutes and more.

Man taking a selfie showing all of the trash he collected while participating in the Adopt an Access Program. Photo courtesy of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.


We team up with partners in conserving Pennsylvania's aquatic resources and to keep access areas clean and beautiful.

Scenic photo of Colyer Lake, Centre County on a cloudy fall day. You can see lake post structures installed in the lake in the background.

PFBC-Owned Lakes

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission owns nearly 50 lakes for anglers and boaters and outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy.

PFBC-Owned Lakes
Pennsylvania Angler & Boater Magazine logo over a photo of a scenic waterway with a mountain in the background.

Angler & Boater Magazine

The "Keystone State's Official Fishing and Boating Magazine" published bimonthly (six issues per year).

Angler & Boater Magazine
Photo of Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Headquarters building located in Harrisburg, PA.

Contact Us

Find contact information and addresses of Fish and Boat Commission offices and divisions.

Contact Us