Warmwater/Coolwater Stocking

The Fish and Boat Commission annually stocks streams and lakes in Pennsylvania with Warmwater/Coolwater species. 

About Warmwater/Coolwater Stocking

Warmwater/Coolwater (MuskellungeWalleye, Channel Catfish​, panfish, etc.) species are typically stocked as juveniles. 

Current year stockings are planned throughout the year. The best way to use our ww/cw stocking information is to look at prior years as it takes time (3 to 4 years depending upon the species) for juveniles to reach desirable or legal size (regulations allow anglers to keep).

Warmwater/Coolwater Stocking Schedules

We update schedules as changes arise, but note all stockings are subject to change without notices.

2024 Walleye Stocking diagram highlighting counties and counts where walleye fry and fingerling are stocked.
2024 Channel Catfish Stocking diagram highlighting counties and counts where these fish are stocked.