County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania
Education Law Center
Juvenile Court Procedural Rules Committee
Juvenile Law Center
National Center for Juvenile Justice
National Institute of Justice
Office of Children & Families in the Courts
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association
Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
Pennsylvania Council of Chief Juvenile Probation Officers
Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth & Family Services
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association
Pennsylvania General Assembly
Public Defenders Association of Pennsylvania
The Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania
The Juvenile Court Judges' Commission (JCJC) serves in an advisory or liaison capacity with many juvenile justice system partners, including the General Assembly and Governor’s Office. Therefore, the JCJC provides up-to-date best practices, forms, information, and other materials on current issues and trends from both the state and national perspectives through specialized resources for judges and hearing officers, juvenile probation officers, juvenile system stakeholders, service providers, victims and victim advocates, and youth and families. Additional resources are available via external resource links and partner agencies’ websites.