About OSFC

Advisory Boards and Groups

The Office of the State Fire Commissioner is regularly advised by experts to help us make the best decisions for Pennsylvania's fire and emergency community.

State Fire Advisory Board

The State Fire Advisory Board was established in 2020 to advise us on needs and issues faced by Pennsylvania fire service organizations. The board can create subcommittees to study and provide advice on specific areas.

Advisory Board meeting minutes and agenda's can be found on the Find A Form or Document | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (pa.gov) page.

Click your county below to get your regional contact.


Other Advisory Board Representatives

Adam AndrewsPennsylvania Association of Fire Equipment Distributors
Steve BairPennsylvania Fire and Emergency Services Institute
Andrew J. BoniState Association of Township Supervisors
John BrennerPennsylvania Municipal League
Robert BrooksPennsylvania Professional Firefighters Association
Thomas CookState Fire Commissioner
Linda CostaAssociation of Councils of Governments
Thomas GramlingPennsylvania Association of Boroughs
David 'Randy' PadfieldPennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
Lisa SchaeferCounty Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania
Nate P. SilcoxPennsylvania State Association of Township Commissioners
Amy S. SweitzerFire equipment and apparatus vendor
Chris TantlingerPennsylvania Association of Hazardous Materials Technicians
Dustin UlrichPennsylvania Career Fire Chiefs Association
Jeremy WarmkesselInternational Association of Firefighters