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PCCD Funding & Grants Process

Applicant Resources

The page below contains documents to guide you through the application process for PCCD grant funding.

General Grant Application Guides

PCCD Applicant's Manual (PDF)
A comprehensive guide to grant application requirements and post-award obligations.

PCCD Grant Applicant Pre-Award Checklist (PDF)
A high-level overview of essential items that should be in place prior to applying for a grant.

PCCD Grant Applicant Readiness Checklist (PDF) 
This tool was created to help organizations determine their readiness to successfully submit an application for funding to PCCD. 

Grant Application Walkthrough (PDF)
A step-by-step guide to completing a grant application in Egrants.

Main Summary Information (PDF)
A guide to completing the Main Summary Information section of a grant application.

Executive Summary (PDF)
A guide to completing the Executive Summary section of a grant application.

Project Description (PDF)
A guide to completing the Project Description section of a grant application.

Program Activities (PDF)
A guide to completing the Program Activities section of a grant application.

Required Documents (PDF)
A guide to completing the Required Documents section of a grant application.

Performance Indicators (PDF)
A guide to completing the Performance Indicators section of a grant application.

Budget Detail Walkthrough (PDF)
A step-by-step guide to completing the Budget Detail section of a grant application.

Dual Budget Walkthrough (PDF) 
This guide if for School Safety Grants where applicants must create two separate budgets: one for Physical Security enhancements and one for Mental Health supports.

Procurement Details Walkthrough (PDF)
A step-by-step guide to completing the Procurement Details section of a grant application.

Fiscal Accountability (PDF)
A guide to completing the Fiscal Accountability section of a grant application.

Approval Checklist (PDF)
A guide to completing the Approval Checklist section of a grant application.

Federal Transparency Act Certification (PDF)
A guide to completing the Federal Transparency Act Certification section of a grant application.

Nonprofit Agency Checklist (PDF)
A guide to completing the Nonprofit Agency Checklist section of a grant application.

Signature Page and Award Letter Walkthrough (PDF)
A guide to submitting a Signature Page and Award Letter in Egrants.


Video Resources

PCCD also encourages applicants to check out the "Resources for Applicants & Grantees" video playlist on the agency's YouTube channel for additional information on the application process.