Trails and Designated Routes
SGL 26 - Bedford, Blair and Cambria counties
14.7 miles - Starting at gate 18 (N40.328003/W-78.577689) along State Route 3001 (Diamond Lane) in Greenfield Twp., Blair County, and traversing a game lands road for 7 miles in a southwesterly direction through gates 19, 15, and 6 (N40.298813/W-78.640991) to State Route 869 in Union Twp., Bedford County, then continuing across State Route 869 and traversing a game lands road south (through gates 7, 9, and 11) for 5.5 miles to where designated route ends at gate 12 (N40.236290/W-78.663947) just prior to the state game lands/state forest boundary. Also a route starting at gate 17 (N40.339135/W/-78.632061), 0.6 miles south of State Route 2010 (Frankstown Road) in Portage Twp., Cambria County (accessed by a game lands road open to public travel) and traversing a game lands road for 2.2 miles to an intersection with a route described above at gate 16 (N40.313499/W-78.632769).
SGL 41 - Bedford County
2.6 miles – Starting at gate 4 (N40.230675/W-78.404931), accessed by a game lands road along State Route 866 (Potter Creek Road) near Twp. Route 609 (Snyder Creek Road), traversing the game lands in a northerly direction to gate 5 (N40.253065/W-78.403868). Also, a route starting at gate 2 (N40.242597/W-78.389508) — accessed by game lands road at the terminus of Twp. Route 635 (Clubhouse Road) 0.9 miles west to an intersection with the route described above.
SGL 48 - Bedford County
5.6 miles - Starting at gate 8 (N39.901578/W-78.611633), 0.75 miles west of State Route 220 (accessed by game lands road open to public travel) in Cumberland Valley Twp. and traversing a game lands road for 5.6 miles south over Wills Mountain through gate 7 to gate 6 (N39.875684/W-78.662327) along Twp. Route 358 (Milligans Cove Road) in Harrison Twp..
SGL 49 - Bedford County
3.7 miles- Starting at gate 12 (N39.802499/W-78.317861) along State Route 2006 (Amaranth Road) in Monroe Twp., and traversing a game lands road south to gate 13 (N39.759803/W-78.352143) near game lands boundary and Browning Road.
SGL 65 - Fulton County
3.7 miles - Starting at the intersection (N39.874593/W-78.238297) of Twp. Route 365 (Plessinger Road) and a game lands road open to public travel (Stone Valley Lane; 1 mile southeast of the intersection of State Route 643 and Twp. Route 365) in Brush Twp., and traversing the game lands road 1.1 miles north to an intersection, then northeast on a game lands road for 2.1 miles to the intersection with Boorman Road East at gate 1. Route continues in a westward direction on Boorman Road East through gate 8 (N39.911396/W-78.207388) to Bark Road.
SGL 67 - Huntingdon County
7.7 miles - Starting at gate 3 (N40.234955/W-78.164660), 2 miles northeast of State Route 913 (Barnett Park) near Coalmont (accessed by game lands road open to public travel), and traversing a game lands road north and then east for 4.7 miles to where designated route ends at gate 7 (N40.236136/W-78.125552), just prior to the game lands boundary. Also a route intersecting the one described above at gate 5 and traversing a game lands road 1.5 miles west to gate 6, then continuing on a game lands road open to public travel for 1.4 miles to a parking area (N40.248438/W-78.196921) along State Route 3001 (Little Valley Road).
SGL 71 - Huntingdon County
1.1 miles - Starting at gate 4 (N40.334994/W-77.950368) along Jack’s Mt. Road, Shirley Twp., and traversing a game lands road 1.1 miles east to gate 5 (N40.337339/W-77.941229).
SGL 73 - Bedford County
Map 1 of 2
2.75 miles - Starting at gate 10 (N40.197789/W-78.309385) along Twp. Route 605 (Ravers Gap Road), Liberty Twp., and traversing a game lands road 2.75 miles north through gate 9 (N40.231939/W-78.294728) to Twp. Route 632 (Henrietta Mountain Road) in Woodbury Twp..
SGL 73 - Bedford County
Map 2 of 2
2.1 miles - Starting at gate 15 (N40.107827/W-78.376683) 0.9 miles east of State Route 1005 (Churchview Road) in South Woodbury Twp. (accessed by a game lands road open to public travel), and traversing a game lands road north and then west to gate 16 (N40.120002/W-78.391950) — accessed by a game lands road open all-year to public travel located off of State Route 1005).
SGL 73 - Bedford and Blair counties
Map 1 of 2
4.2 miles - Starting at gate 6 (N40.291453/W-78.265422) along State Route 164 (Cove Mt Road) in North Woodbury Twp., Blair County, and traversing a game lands road south to an intersection (N40.236814/W-78.290653) with Twp. Route 632 (Henrietta Mt Road) in Woodbury Twp., Bedford County.
SGL 73 - Bedford and Huntingdon counties
Map 1 of 2
3.8 miles - Starting at a gate 4 (N40.276318/W-78.259193) off State Route 164 (Cove Mt Road) in Liberty Twp., Bedford County, and traversing a game lands road 3.8 miles north to a seasonal parking area/turnaround (N40.322193/W78.229821).
SGL 88 - Juniata and Perry counties
1.4 miles - Starting at gate 1 (N40.475996/W-77.388742) along State Route 74 in Turbett Twp., Juniata County, and traversing a game lands road 1.4 miles east to where the designated route ends just prior to the game lands boundary at a parking area (N40.479433/W-77.370994).
SGL 99 - Huntingdon County
5.8 miles - Starting at a parking area (N40.203949/W-77.998743) along State Route 2022 (Hudson Street) in Clay Twp., and traversing a game lands road 5.8 miles north along Jacks Mountain to an intersection (N40.272868/W-77.970587) with a game lands road open to public travel.
SGL 107 - Juniata County
2.5 miles - Beginning at gate 11 (N40.631619/W-77.385801) south of Spigelmyer Gap, on Twp. Route 396 (Hower Gap Road from Wagner to Slim Valley) in Fermanagh Twp., and traversing a game lands road 2.5 miles west to a log landing turnaround (N40.622102/-77.426236).
SGL 113 - Mifflin County
2.3 miles - A loop starting and ending at a parking area (N40.537979/W-77.707276) along State Route 3007 (Wakefield Road) in Granville Twp..
SGL 118 - Blair County
4.3 miles - Starting at a parking area (N40.486721/W-78.146456) along State Route 2013 (Covedale Road) in Woodbury Twp., and traversing a game lands road 4.3 miles south to a power line (N40.437063/W-78.161300) where the route ends.
SGL 147 - Blair County
6.6 miles - On Seldom Seen Road 0.6 Miles west of West Loop Road in Frankstown Twp.; from gate 4 (N40.392836/W-78.344612), 2.7 miles south to gate 6 (N40.364339/W-78.340819). Also a route from gate 10 (N40.332592/W-78.336465) along Seldom Seen Road (just past game lands Maintenance Headquarters) in Huston Twp. to an intersection with the route described above at gate 7 (N40.369652/W-78.345951).
SGL 166 - Blair County
1.4 miles - Starting at gate 3 (N40.540481/W-78.284230) 0.4 miles from State Route 1013 (Kettle Road) in Tyrone Twp. (Accessed from a game lands right-of-way open to public travel) and traversing a game lands road 1.4 miles east to a log landing turnaround (N40.542507/W-78.266915) where the route ends.
SGL 166 - Blair County
4.6 miles - Starting at gate 7 (N40.525376/W-78.252253) along Beaver Dam Road 1.2 miles north of State Route 1011 (Scotch Valley Road) in Catharine Twp., and traversing a game lands road along Canoe Creek 4.6 miles northeast to a stream crossing (N40.570049/W-78.204393), where designated route ends.
SGL 169 - Cumberland County
0.8 miles - Starting at gate 6 (N40.163179/W-77.499537) on Twp. Route 375 (game lands Road) in Upper Mifflin Twp., and traversing a game lands road north 0.8 miles to gate 7 (N40.172555/W-77.509154) along Twp. Route 388 (Park Hill Road).
SGL 169 - Cumberland County
2.0 miles - Starting at a parking area (N40.168195/W-77.493243) on Twp. Route 375 (Game Lands Road) in Upper Mifflin Twp., and traversing a game lands road 2.0 miles south then east to gate 12 (N40.156386/W-77.468559) along Twp. Route 388 (Bridgewater Road).
SGL 198 - Blair County
2.1 Miles – Starting at the George's Trailer access parking lot at gate 1 (N40.491919/W-78.536325) along the Coupon/Gallitzin Road, on the Cambria/Blair county line, and traversing 2.1 miles east to a point (N40.490845/W-78.500004) at the game lands boundary where the route ends.
SGL 198 - Blair County
7.1 Miles – Starting at gate 10 (N40.434500/W-78.519313) at the Mule Shoe parking area near the arch overpass along SR 3012 (Old Rt. 22) and traversing a railroad grade 6.8 miles to a parking area (N40.476114/W-78.527788) near gate 5. Also accessed from the Maple Hollow/Bear Wallow parking area at gate 6 (N40.451196/W-78.482398)
SGL 198 - Cambria County
1.2 miles - Starting at gate 20 (N40.397529/W-78.564062) along Twp. Route 415 (Mountain Road) in Washington Twp., and traversing a game lands road 1.2 miles northeast through gate 21 to a log landing (N40.410215/W-78.550552) where the route ends.
SGL 198 - Cambria County
1.2 Miles - Starting at gate 22 (N40.396698/W-78.564833) along Twp. Route 415 (Mountain Road) in Washington Twp., and traversing a game lands road 1.1 miles south to a pipeline (N40.382424/W-78.565703).
SGL 198 - Blair County
1.3 Miles - From the intersection (N40.399194/W-78.536847) of Twp. Route 382 (Lilly Mountain Road) and a game lands road open to public travel (Towmans Road) 1.3 miles northeast to a parking area at gate 24 (N40.410737/W-78.525785).
SGL 230 - Cumberland County
1.0 Mile - Starting at gate 2 (N40.273435/W-77.183272) along State Route 944 in North Middleton Twp., and traversing a game lands road 1.0 mile north, east, and then south through gate 4 to a parking area (N40.272917/W-77.188063) along State Route 944.
SGL 249 - Adams County
1.6 miles - Starting at gate 2 (N39.938071/W-77.175372) at the terminus of Twp. Route 520 in Tyrone Twp., and traversing a game lands road south, then east to an intersection, then north to gate 4 (N39.942582/W-77.169472), where the designated route ends. Also, from the intersection east to gate 7 (N39.934714/W-77.161068), where the designated route ends.
SGL 322 - Huntingdon County
1.7 Miles - Starting at gate 4 (N40.528621/W-78.012745) on State Route 4007 (Petersburg Pike), just north of Huntingdon, and traversing a game lands road north 1.7 miles to gate 8 (N40.546969/W-78.008528), also along State Route 4007.
SGL 322 - Huntingdon County
2.8 miles Starting at gate 6 (N40.537273/W-78.014122) situated approximately midway between those described above) on Route 4007 (Petersburg Pike), and traversing a game lands road 2.8 miles northeast to where designated route ends at a log landing (N40.555141/W-77.996826) just prior to the game lands boundary (this trail intersects the one described above).
SGL 26 - Bedford, Cambria and Somerset counties
9.2 miles - Starting at the state game lands boundary near gate 17 (N40.339135/W/-78.632061) along a state game lands road 0.6 miles southwest of State Route 2010 (Frankstown Road) in Portage Twp., Cambria County and traversing a game lands road in a southerly direction through gates 16 and 6 (N40.298813/W-78.640991) to State Route 869. Route continues in a southerly direction on an existing game lands road through gates 7, 9, and 11 to state game lands/state forest boundary near gate 12 (N40.236290/W-78.663947).
Hunters and trappers with disabilities can find additional information on the Permits for Hunters with Disabilities page. Permitted persons can access state game lands using ATVs on these designated routes.
More than 400 miles of roads are open seasonally on state game lands. Seasonal openings are based on hunting seasons, road conditions and safety. To find the locations of season roads on game lands, please visit our Mapping Center.
Officer Field Reports
- Adams County Game Warden Taylor Knash reports temperatures are starting to rise and there has been an increase in activity on state game lands, state forests and state parks.
- Franklin County Game Warden Trevor Shauf reports that beer bottles were discarded at State Game Lands 235, and there possibly was illegal ATV activity in the same area.
- Fulton County Game Warden Kaitlyn Corle reminds everyone that, with spring quickly approaching, wildlife will be more active and wandering into their areas. Remember do not approach or interact with any injured or sick wildlife you may come across. This helps ensure the safety of those in the community along with the wellbeing of the wildlife.
- Huntingdon County Game Warden Benjamin Sawina reports to keep an eye out for Hunter-Trapper Education courses as this time of year. To find a course check out the PGC website or call the Game Commission.
- York County Game Warden Scott Brookens reports a woman who stole a trail camera to prevent a trapper from monitoring his trapping locations has been found guilty of two counts of interference with lawful hunting/trapping. During the investigation, she made it clear that she had a disdain for hunters and trappers and was proud of her behavior.
- Fulton, Huntingdon and Mifflin Counties Game Warden Supervisor Sgt. Michael College reports two Bedford County hunters were charged with the unlawful taking of game or wildlife. Through the investigation, it was determined they had harvested an antlerless deer and failed to properly tag it.
- Adams County Game Warden Brooke Hargenrader reports an individual was arrested for driving under the influence of a controlled substance on state game lands.
- Bedford County Game Warden Charles Onder reports one screech owl was transported to the rehabilitation center after sustaining injuries. Additionally, eight turkeys were trapped for research purposes and released on site after capture.
- Blair County Game Warden Charles Onder reports a bat was submitted for rabies testing after having contact with an individual.
- Cumberland County Game Warden Rebecca Wolfe reports a Perry County man failed to report both a fisher and bobcat harvest from the 2023-24 season. Furtakers are reminded that a species-specific permit for fisher, bobcat, and river otter is required to take these species, and that the harvest must be reported within 48 hours of the taking.
- Franklin County Game Warden Philip Bietsch reports two Franklin County men were charged with goose hunting under the influence of marijuana. Also, a Franklin County man was charged with various drug-related charges when he was found in possession of cocaine and marijuana on the Michaux State Forest.
- Mifflin County Game Warden Jesse Cunningham reports he served a search warrant on a cellular trail camera placed over a bait pile on state game lands. Based on photographs recovered from the camera, as well as customer information provided from the camera manufacturer, the violator was identified and has already pleaded guilty to the violations.
- Adams County Game Warden Taylor Knash reports several individuals have been charged for unlawful possession of raccoons as pets in the past month.
- Franklin County Game Warden Trevor Shauf reports that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) incidents are picking up, please report any birds walking in circles or unable to hold their head upright to 1-833-PGC-WILD.
- York County Game Warden Scott Brookens reports two individuals who killed four deer during last hunting season without tags or licenses pleaded guilty to their charges. Each face fines and court costs of over $5,000 and will likely lose their ability to hunt for the next 10 years.
- York County Game Warden Raymond Madden reports that, during the past month, multiple vehicles were observed parked in areas where they should not have been, well after dark on Hunter Access properties and state game lands.
- Fulton, Huntingdon and Mifflin Counties Game Warden Supervisor Sgt. Michael College reports that, while dealing with a deer killed by mistake, he heard a nearby gunshot. Upon further investigation, it was determined an individual shot a gray fox without being properly licensed. The defendant faces fines in excess of $500.
- Adams County Game Warden Brooke Hargenrader reports criminal charges are pending for an individual that tampered with a legally placed trap.
- Bedford County Warden Charles Onder reports a trespassing while hunting violation occurred in the Saxton area. Warden Onder also reports 21 turkeys were safely trapped, banded and released during the month of January.
- Franklin County Game Warden Philip Bietsch would like to reminder everyone that deer do not need supplemental feeding to survive, even during the cold of winter. Not only does feeding congregate deer and potentially increase the spread of diseases, it’s also illegal in CWD Disease Management Areas.
- Snyder County Game Warden Austin Adams reports a hunter in Perry County was caught killing a turkey out of season during the last day of the deer flintlock season. Killing the bird with his flintlock, the hunter stated he thought it was a pheasant. Even if it was a pheasant, he wasn’t wearing any orange to be able to hunt pheasant. Further investigation on a separate incident with the same hunter by Game Warden Supervisor Sgt. Tim Wenrich was discovered that he had already filled his deer tags and shouldn’t have been hunting for deer to begin with. This is an ongoing investigation, as the hunter is believed to be in possession of several illegal deer.
- York County Game Warden Cameron Murphy reports he recently observed two dumpsites on State Game Lands 416 in York. After sorting through the rubbish, several receipts for construction material were recovered, which led to a lengthy investigation. In the end, the guilty parties have been identified and charges will be forthcoming.
- Adams County Game Warden Taylor Knash reports an individual was charged in Adams County for illegally possessing seven antlered deer heads. Two of those deer were shot by the individual while he was on hunting license revocation.
- Perry County Game Warden Michael Smith reports an individual was warned for multiple violations and cited for bait and two unlawfully harvested deer. Another individual was arrested for possessing a firearm as a person not to possess a firearm.
- York County Game Warden Scott Brookens reports two subjects were arrested for a poaching spree during rifle deer season. Together they killed three doe over their bag limit in rifle season and made no attempt to process and consume them. They also killed a buck in archery season without a license and tagged it with a deceased person’s buck tag. The penalties ranged from misdemeanors of the first degree to summary violations. They could face up to five years in jail and fines of up to $32,000 each.
- York County Game Warden Raymond Madden reports encountering multiple cases involving the improperly tagging of big game. Untagged deer were moved from the harvest site to a vehicle taken home.
- Adams County Game Warden Brooke Hargenrader reports an individual was arrested for hunting under the influence of a controlled substance and was also found to be hunting through the use of bait.
- Cumberland County Game Warden Rebecca Wolfe reports checking a vehicle on state game lands that was blocking an access road. The archery hunter was checked, and it was discovered that in addition to blocking the road, he did not possess the required archery license. Charges will be filed. Hunters are reminded to be mindful of where they park. Access roads (gated or not) must be clear at all times in case of an emergency in the woods.
- Mifflin County Game Warden Jesse Cunningham reports he and Ross Leffler School of Conservation Cadet Kaitlyn Corle were walking a farm to locate a salt lick. While on foot, two hunters exited a blind in the reported area, and they were checked. One of the hunters said he harvested a buck earlier in the week in that area. The salt lick was located soon after, and the investigation concluded with seizure of a 7-point buck. Charges are pending for baiting and unlawfully killing a deer.
- Perry County Game Warden John Fetchkan reports that charges have been filed for most deer and bear cases from the fall season. While some have been closed with guilty pleas, a few are still being investigated. Also in the county, several sick deer had to be euthanized recently.
- Snyder County Game Warden Austin Adams reports that, during the firearms deer season, he investigated several cases and issued citations for hunter trespass and hunting through the use of bait. Adams also rejected several deer that were reported as mistake kills because the hunters did not attempt to identify the deer before shooting. Including one hunter shot a deer thinking it was a coyote he was shooting. Animals called in as mistakes are unlawfully taken until a game warden determines that it was a legitimate mistake and not the result of negligence by the hunter.
- Cumberland, Juniata, Perry and Snyder Counties Game Warden Supervisor Sgt. Timothy L. Wenrich reports that cases have been adjudicated for multiple incidents of loaded firearms in vehicles, unlawfully taken deer, tagging violations, and hunting through the use of bait; all stemming from the firearms deer season.
- Adams County Game Warden Taylor Knash reports poaching seems to be on the rise in Adams County. Twenty-two illegal deer were seized during the months of November and December in southern Adams County. Warden Knash asks the public to keep an eye out and if they see something, say something.
- Ross Leffler School of Conservation Cadet Kaitlyn Corle reports interviewing an individual in Dauphin County who had set out rat poison and box traps to catch a nuisance fox in his backyard. The individual admitted to putting out the poison with hotdog pieces to kill the fox. The individual was charged with attempting to take any game or wildlife through the use of any poison or chemical.
- Perry County Game Warden Michael Smith reports an individual was cited for allowing a dog to chase deer in Marysville. He also apprehended and cited another individual for an untagged deer. Finally, in a separate case, two individuals shot an antlered deer with a rifle during the archery season from the road in Millerstown. Six citations were issued in that case.
- York County Game Warden Scott Brookens reports that a subject was illegally shooting firearms on State Game Lands 242 in York County. Instead of pulling over, he fled in his vehicle, which resulted in a high-speed pursuit that went through four counties. Eventually he was stopped when he ran out of gas on the Turnpike in Lebanon County. The subject was wanted for felony warrants out of Illinois. He and his female passenger were illegally in possession of three firearms, two of which were confirmed stolen. The subjects were charged by the PGC for felony fleeing, felony possession of stolen firearms, possession of firearms by a person not to possess, concealed firearms carried without a license, possession of illegal drugs, reckless endangerment, and various SGL regulation violations.
- York County Game Warden Scott Brookens reports that a subject was arrested after a tip led to a search warrant on his residence. During the search, various evidence was recovered including two sets of buck antlers, deer meat in the freezer, blood in the vehicle, bloody clothing, a bloody hunting style knife, and blood in the trash can. The subject has not held a PA hunting license in 10 years. He also was in possession of a 6.5 Creedmoor hunting rifle despite having 12 prior felony convictions preventing him from being in possession of a firearm.
- York County Game Warden Raymond Madden reports that, during the month of November, numerous violations have occurred in the district. These violations ranged from unplugged shotguns while pheasant hunting, loaded firearms in or on vehicles, to hunting without licenses. Multiple citations have been filed in relation to these matters.
- Adams County Game Warden Brooke Hargenrader reports criminal charges are pending for two hunters who shot a deer within a safety zone during rifle season.
- Bedford County Game Warden Charles Onder reports he met four hunters who harvested bucks on the opening day of the firearms deer season. The breakdown of harvests consisted of an 8-point, a 9-point, a 6-point and a junior hunter who harvested a 4-point. While working in Bedford County, Warden Onder received a call about an ATV riding on state game lands. While working in Blair County, he received a few calls for spotlights hitting houses at night.
- Cumberland County Game Warden Rebecca Wolfe reports a single vehicle parked on State Game Lands 170 that had litter placed next to the passenger-side door of the vehicle. Some of the rubbish matched articles that were observed within the vehicle. Three individuals returned to the vehicle and were questioned. One person was charged with littering on state game lands and another was taken into custody due to having an active arrest warrant.
- Franklin County Game Warden Philip Bietsch reports a Franklin County man was charged with allowing his juvenile son to act as a nuisance wildlife control operator, when it was discovered, his son was catching and killing nuisance raccoons for local farmers and general members of the public during closed season.
- Mifflin County Game Warden Jesse Cunningham and Ross Leffler School of Conservation Cadet Travis Brown arrived at a farm and checked a bear that had been shot hours earlier near Rothrock State Forest. Based on clues from the field check and interview, the original harvest location was found and determined to be a baited area. The officers returned to the farm later that day to confiscate the bear, and the defendant has already pleaded guilty to hunting through the use of bait and illegally killing a black bear.
- Snyder County Game Warden Austin Adams reports he investigated cases of road-hunting, and hunting pheasants before the season opened. Several trespassing and baiting cases were also handled in the area.
- York County Game Warden Cameron Murphy reports he recently checked a hunter with a buck head in the bed of his truck. After checking the hunter’s license, it was determined that the tag was never filled out for the deer, nor was it ever affixed to the animal in any way. Charges are pending for this incident.
- Cumberland, Juniata, Perry and Snyder Counties Game Warden Supervisor Sgt. Timothy Wenrich reports that multiple investigations are ongoing for unlawful nighttime activity where deer were shot at night from a vehicle or public road.