Official Website
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
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Keeping Pennsylvanians prepared and safe all year long. A website built just for the public by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
Together we can tackle common winter dangers and stay safe and warm until spring.
Three easy ways to be more prepared:
Be ready for:
Fall brings cooler temperatures, and more house fires.
Take steps now to protect against illness.
Prepare now for snow, ice, and dangerous travel.
Did a recent disaster impact your life? Let's get you on the road to recovery.
Let’s get ready for the emergencies that are most likely to happen here.
Emergency weather alerts sent straight to your phone.
Timely safely tips, delivered straight to your inbox.
Need help in Pennsylvania? Here's who to call:
Call for: Emergencies where you or others feel unsafe.
Call for: Help with basic needs — like shelter, food, and health care.
Call for: Thoughts of suicide and other mental health crises.
Social media graphics, tip sheets, and free print resources for your next event.
Public safety outreach from the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
Contact PEMA Contact Us Area Offices
Volunteer Assist with Recovery Efforts Help Prepare for Disasters Join the Youth Preparedness Council
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Businesses Join the PA Business Emergency Operations Center