State Plan for Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders

The plan, utilizing public input, outlines seven key recommendations to develop a strategy to mobilize the commonwealth’s response to the anticipated increase in the incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease and related disorders in Pennsylvania.

About the Pennsylvania State Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders

In Pennsylvania, over 400,000 people have Alzheimer’s Disease or a similar condition. This affects not only those with the disease but also their families, friends, and communities. Because of this, an Executive Order was signed in 2013 to create the Alzheimer’s Disease Planning Committee. The committee had 26 members, including people with Alzheimer’s, their families, caregivers, aging experts, state departments, care providers, researchers, and lawmakers.

The committee created the Pennsylvania State Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, which was approved in early 2014. This plan, made with public input, includes seven main recommendations to help prepare for the expected rise in Alzheimer’s cases in Pennsylvania.

Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Virtual Forum 2023

Each year the Pennsylvania Department of Aging holds a virtual forum in November. The 2024 date and details are pending.  The on-demand program recording  of the 2023 Virtual Forum is available: 2023 ADRD Forum Recording.

ADRD Task Force

In May of 2018,  the Pennsylvania Department of Aging announced the formation of its own Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (ADRD) Task Force. The Task Force was created to assist the Department with advancing those State Plan objectives within its scope.

The Task Force:

  • Works with Local Groups: Teams up with local organizations, advocates, and others to find and share the best ways to achieve the State Plan’s goals.
  • Helps with Actions: Supports developing and organizing the steps needed to follow the State Plan's objectives in the community.
  • Looks into ADRD Issues: Examines problems related to ADRD (Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias).
  • Plans Annual Forum: Helps plan the Department’s yearly ADRD Forum.