Workplace Violence

The agency HR office and workplace violence coordinators play a significant role in coordinating workplace violence prevention and response, including taking steps to prevent incidents, responding to incidents, and coordinating post-incident activities to return the workplace to a normal state of operations.  Agencies are required to investigate any reported incident of workplace violence.



Post-Incident Response

Following any incident the agency should report it via the Workplace Violence Online Incident Report. There are guidelines for completing the Workplace Violence Online Incident Report.

In the event of any injury resulting from an incident, follow all applicable workers' compensation rules and protocols.

Consider utilizing or promoting services available through the State Employee Assistance Program (SEAP) such as critical incident stress debriefings or individual counseling. 

Domestic Violence

The Commonwealth is committed to providing a coordinated system of support and intervention for employees when a situation of domestic violence is self-disclosed. Employees who are victims of domestic violence or have filed a Protection from Abuse Order should be encouraged to self-disclose, so that they can be offered support and assistance at the workplace.

Employees who self-disclose should be provided with information about the State Employee Assistance Program (SEAP) .

Contact Us

OA-Workplace Support is available to assist HR professionals serving state agencies and can be contacted at 717.787.8575 or