Use of Force and Control Tactics

In response to Act 59 requirements, the Commission approved the Use of Force and Control Tactics courses to be combined as required training conducted by individual police departments.


Use of Force and Control Tactics courses are conducted in a manner similar to the Firearms and First Aid/CPR qualifications. The Departmental Use of Force and Control Tactics training will not have associated credit hours. Officers will still need to complete their annual 12 credit in-service training. 

Departmental Use of Force and Control Tactics Requirements

Use of Force and Control Tactics is required annually and must be completed through the police department. Departments will be required to use an MPOETC-approved Control Tactics instructor for the annual training.

The training resources provided below are current for 2024.

​​​​​​​​The following documents will need to be accessed by departments in order to conduct their Use of Force and Control Tactics training:

The following documents pertain to instructor requirements for Use of Force and Control Tactics:

To document annual Use of Force and Control Tactics in TACS: 

  • Select the Use of Force & Control Tactics tab in each officer’s TACS profile. 
  • Access the officer's TACS profile by selecting the name of the officer within the department listing of officers. 
  • The TACS entry must include the training year, training date, and the name of the MPOETC-approved instructor. 

The capability to update more than one officer at a time will become available sometime in 2024.

2022 Control Tactics Makeup

Any officer that did not complete the required 2022 MIST course, 22-302 Control Tactics in 2022, will have the ability to complete a make-up course.

ONLY MPOETC-approved Temporary MIST Instructors for the Control Tactics course or MPOETC-approved Academy Control Tactics Instructors will be able to instruct this course.

The 2022 MIST course, 22-301 Use of Force, is a pre-requisite course.  The student officer MUST take this course online through PAVTN prior to taking 22-302 Control Tactics. Student officers should provide the instructor with proof of completion of the 22-301 Use of Force course prior to instruction of the Control Tactics course.

To document the 2022 Control Tactics Makeup Course, email

  • Subject line: 2022 Control Tactics (Makeup)
  • Your message should include the officer's name, certification number, and a request to update the status of the 2022 MIST training hours
  • Attach the completed and signed copy of the 22-302 Control Tactics Roster

Refer to the Use of Force and Control Tactics Frequently Asked Questions for additional information. You may also submit questions to