Use of Force and Control Tactics courses are conducted in a manner similar to the Firearms and First Aid/CPR qualifications. The Departmental Use of Force and Control Tactics training will not have associated credit hours. Officers will still need to complete their annual 12 credit in-service training.
Under 18 Pa. C.S. 2167(d), MPOETC may only approve waivers for officers unable to complete training due to:
- being injured while on duty
- being deployed/activated for military service
Departmental Use of Force and Control Tactics Requirements
Use of Force and Control Tactics is required annually and must be completed through the police department. Departments will be required to use an MPOETC-approved Control Tactics instructor for the annual training.
The following documents will need to be accessed by departments in order to conduct their Use of Force and Control Tactics training:
- Use of Force Course Requirements
- Control Tactics Requirements
- Control Tactics Student Evaluation Form
- Use of Force and Control Tactics Roster
- Use of Force and Control Tactics Training PPT
- Use of Force and Control Tactics Instructor Notes
The following documents pertain to instructor requirements for Use of Force and Control Tactics:
- Departmental Use of Force and Control Tactics Instructor Requirements
- MPOETC Approved DT Instructor Courses
- MPO-239 Certified Law Enforcement Control Tactics Instructor Application
To document annual Use of Force and Control Tactics in TACS:
- Select the Use of Force & Control Tactics tab in each officer’s TACS profile.
- Access the officer's TACS profile by selecting the name of the officer within the department listing of officers.
- The TACS entry must include the training year, training date, and the name of the MPOETC-approved instructor.
2025 Control Tactics
The Control Tactics and Use of Force Curriculum HAS NOT changed. Please use the curriculum posted on the MPOETC website. Updates will be released for 2026.
If you are still operating as a “Temporary MIST Instructor” for Control Tactics/Use of Force, you must upgrade to a Certified MPOETC instructor NO LATER THAN JUNE 1, 2025. After that date, you will no longer be authorized to conduct CT training for your department.
If you need to upgrade, simply complete a MPO-239 and submit it to ra-mpotraining@pa.gov along with a copy of your most recent Instructor Development Course certificate. If you are unsure if you’ve already upgraded, email MPOETC and we will confirm the certification status for you.