Office of General Counsel Attorneys

The General Counsel and her immediate staff have their principal offices at OGC’s central Harrisburg headquarters.  OGC’s remaining attorneys are located at more than thirty (30) Commonwealth departments and agencies, each headed by a Chief Counsel.  While most OGC lawyers work in and around the state capital, OGC attorneys can be found throughout the Commonwealth.

Educational Backgrounds

The Office of General Counsel employs attorneys with a variety of educational backgrounds, legal disciplines, and expertise. Many OGC attorneys began their careers with the Office of General Counsel and, over the years, have developed experience and expertise in representing the Commonwealth and its agencies. Many other attorneys are former private-sector practitioners, desiring to share and expand their knowledge and experience in the public sector.


Practice Areas and Courts

OGC's work is diverse and demanding, requiring our attorneys to use the full range of their legal skills to represent the Commonwealth.  Office of General Counsel attorneys appear in every state and federal court and administrative forum in the Commonwealth and provide counsel on legal issues that touch upon the business of the agencies we represent.  Whether we are advocating the Commonwealth's position in court, reviewing or preparing one of the tens of thousands of contracts that the Commonwealth executes annually, or negotiating a sophisticated investment vehicle, our practice is geared to the particular goals and needs of our clients.

The General Counsel

OGC Main Office Attorneys

Agency Chief Counsel