Firefighter Education and Training

State Fire Academy

The Pennsylvania State Fire Academy in Lewistown delivers quality education, training, and professional certification to firefighters.

Firefighters train on the Fire Academy grounds in Lewistown.


The Pennsylvania State Fire Academy provides a Resident Training Program at the academy, and delivers special curriculum locally to departments through Academy on the Road.

Training Goals

We deliver quality training, education, and certification that's safe and meets or exceeds national standards, all while providing exceptional customer service.

We strive to:

  • Promote and provide safe, effective, and realistic training for emergency services

  • Build strong relationships with educational training agencies

  • Provide consistent collaboration with internal and external training and certification partners

  • Promote lifelong learning that reflects innovation and change

About the Trainings

We offer trainings right at our facility in Lewistown. These trainings build on local-level training curriculum and and enhance firefighter certification.

Call Us

For more information about the Pennsylvania State Fire Academy, give us a call.

A man uses a tablet at home.

Sign Up for Trainings

Browse trainings and sign up for them on our online portal.

Visit the State Fire Academy

Our official address is 1150 Riverside Drive in Lewistown, but if you are using GPS it's helpful to set 104 State St., Lewistown, for the address.


The women's locker room is on the first floor, and the men's locker room is on the second. Men may access the locker room using the back stairway only when transporting gear and equipment, or during outside activities.

Lockers are available to store protective and personal clothing. Students should bring a padlock, the combination type working best.

Shower facilities are available for use. Bring a towel and hygiene items.


A certificate of training is awarded to students who meet attendance, testing, and proficiency requirements. If criteria is not met, students will receive a letter of attendance.

Successful completion of training means 100% attendance, a minimum 70% score on any written exams, and a minimum level of proficiency during practical exercises.

If a student does not achieve 100% attendance, they will be credited for the class time they already completed and can return to complete the training and receive a certificate.


Many Get Free Tuition

Tuition is free for:

  • Members of public-sector county, municipal, or volunteer emergency service organizations in Pennsylvania
  • Commonwealth employees
  • Members of the Pennsylvania National Guard
  • Employees of a public authority (such as school districts, state universities, or airport authorities)

Others Have a Tuition Fee

Tuition fees are listed under each course description for students who do not qualify for free tuiton.

This includes:

  • Students from federal agencies
  • Students from private-sector organizations
  • Candidates applying for Pro-Board Certification program testing

Textbook Fees

For certain classes, there might be a textbook or other fee. Students will be informed about fees in their acceptance letter.

Dress Code

Students should dress appropriately for clssroom and outside activities.

In the classroom: The standard is business-casual or duty uniforms. Clothing should be neat, clean, in good repair, and present a professional appearance.

Outside: Students may wear T-shirts and sweatshirts that are clean and in good repair. Students must wear long-sleeved sweatshirts and long pants on live fire days to reduce the risk of thermal injury.

No ball caps, hats, tank tops or muscle shirts, job sweats, or torn/ragged clothing. No clothes with wording, messaging, cartoons, or anything sexist or sexually suggestive, racist, polictical in nature, or demeaning, divisive, or provocative.

Dress Code for Higher-Level Classes

Higher-level classes require a more professional level of dress. These classes include: Educational Methodology for Local Level Instructors (EMLL), Suppression Instructor Development (ZFID), Fire Officer I (ZFOI), Fire Officer II (ZFOII), Officer's Command (ZOCC), and National Fire Academy courses.

Please wear shirts with collars, slacks, and shoes and socks. Dresses or blouses with slacks or skirts are acceptable. Departmental uniforms are OK. Optional items include sweaters, sport coats, and ties.

Bring With You

📝 Note-taking material (notebook, pens, and pencils)

💻 Laptop

📓 Pocket notebook (for classes with field exercises)

👩‍🚒 ALL protective clothing (pants, coat, helmet, gloves, and footwear)

🚨 Personal alarm devices

💨 Self-contained breathing apparatus

All protective clothing must meet the National Fire Protection Association standards. Instructional staff will inspect protective clothing and equipment before training exercises.

We reserve the right to approve or reject any or all protective clothing or equipment used in training, which may result in the student being excluded in practical activities. If the student has a problem in this area, we will make every attempt to assist in correcting it so that the student can participate in training exercises.

Student Well-Being

Many of our courses involve heavy physical and mental exertion, usually while wearing protective clothing, under simulated or actual hazardous conditions.

Since participation in all class activities is a requirement of graduation, students should be sure that they are in adequate physical condition to cope with the demands placed on them by such activity.

We reserve the right to limit or deny participation by any student when his or her physical or mental state poses a safety threat to themselves or others. Students who participate in courses with practical exercises will be monitored through rehab for their mental capacity, vital signs, and general well-being.

In addition, students in classes involving live fire, smoke, confined space, or any other condition calling for the use of a self-contained breathing apparatus must be clean-shaven (with exception of a well-trimmed mustache or sideburns), and wear their hair in a way that does not interfere with theΒ  facepiece seal or pose other hazards.

We strongly recommend all persons attending any class involving outside exercises to submit a medical evaluation form with their resident application.